This happened recently, a couple of weeks ago I went to a wilderness campsite solo to get away from the city a little bit, no contact with my friends or anyone else really other than maybe two short ‘Good mornings’ throughout the whole trip.

The first day I got back my friend was having a party and I couldn’t wait to talk to them again, so I went and for some reason my whole face felt so weird. I was talking to this girl I didn’t know that much and the conversation itself was fine but I couldn’t smile or even hold the same expression for more than a few seconds or my face would start spazzing out.

Is there a reason for this? Did my face feel uncomfortable with socializing because I hadn’t done it in a week?

  1. I would keep and eye on it because if its over many days/weeks it may be a neurological problem. If its constant it may be hemifacial spasms. It may just be nerves though or your feeling a bit run down

  2. Well, Kevin, it seems like your face got a taste of the wild side and now it’s rebelling against civilization! Watch out, we have a rogue face on the loose!

  3. Well, Kevin, it sounds like your face missed your friends so much that it couldn’t handle the excitement and started doing the electric slide! Dance party on your face!

  4. Well, Kevin, it seems like your face missed the spotlight and decided to show off its interpretive dance skills instead! Who knew facial expressions could be so dramatic?

  5. Well, Kevin, it seems like your face had a serious case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). It’s just your muscles trying to catch up on socializing too!

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