Last week I went for a drink with a girl that I haven’t seen in quite sometime. She told me that she’d only have a couple drinks, but invited me back to her place to have some wine. What I thought was just grabbing a drink and catching up turned into the most fun I’ve had with a girl since my ex. We spent the rest of the night talking each others heads off, singing, dancing it was so much fun. We had quite a bit to drink at her place and ended up hooking up.

The next morning she texted me that she had such a great time, I was very happy with that because I felt the same way and was hoping to see her again. We’ve had 2 short conversations over text, both of them ending abruptly with her not responding to me mid conversation.

I’m a respectful person and understand when I’m getting the cold shoulder or being ignored, but I find it so abrupt that she doesn’t even respond to me. I keep thinking if I said or did something to offend her, but I feel like be straight up and tell me if I did.

A part of me wants to try to reach out to her one more time, but I don’t want to give off a bad impression if I’m already being ignored. Is there a way I can message her without sounding desperate or should I just let it go and move on?

  1. What’s the harm in asking again to hang and ask what day works best for her?
    Then add in if she doesnt want to then thats okay.

    The worst that can happen would be where nothing happens which doesnt sound much different than where you’re at, you would have your answer either way and you could move on if she doesnt give a clear answer within a few days or you can have a great night.

  2. Just ask her how she’s doing if things go silent.

    More often than not, this means they’re uninterested. As lame as it is, it’s how many communicate, and I’m guilty of it, although not with people I meet with or speak to for a while.

  3. You should ask her out again. You seem like you’ve been respectful so far. Maybe she’s busy and forgets. If she turns you down then at least you know whether to move on or not.

  4. You can try again But I’ll say this too.. a girl like that, you keep casual, don’t get serious

    She invited you over to her place and theres a reason the sex was so good.. she’s had 100 other dicks in her.

  5. If you want and if you really like her you can ask her atleast you would get a closure. But speaking of personal experience because i have been to these same situations. I don’t think she is into you. If a girl likes you she would never avoid you specially after sex. The only thing you gonna do is keep thinking what went wrong there is nothing went wrong.

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