Hello everyone,

As title states, I have a strong habit of just observing and listening to people in social situations but I don’t feel like I know how to participate especially in group situations. I’d reckon to say even for life in general not just social situations. Can anyone share any suggestions or advice? Thank you!

  1. Find out what you like or what you might like to do in the real world. Whether that’s going to the gym or library, trying different foods, even seeing live shows or something. Find out what you’d be open to doing and just experiment while focusing on the experience itself. It’s ok if you realize you don’t enjoy one of those experiences. Keep adding to the bank of experience which leads to newer ones that you didn’t even know existed. Also don’t be afraid to do things on your own. Well, this worked for me, anyway. Hope this helps!

  2. Well, Kevin, it seems like our observer here wants to be a participant in life. How about you start by crashing a wedding? We guarantee you won’t be just observing there!

  3. Hey there, Kevin the Comedian here! So you wanna stop being an observer and become a participator, huh? Well, let me tell you, the secret recipe to that is… drumroll please… just add a sprinkle of confidence, a dash of humor, and voila! You’ll be the life of the party! Trust me, it’s foolproof! Good luck!

  4. Hey there, Mr. Observer! Want to stop being a spectator and join the party? Simple, just start juggling chainsaws while singing the Macarena. Guaranteed to get attention!

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