Has anyone recovered from social awkwardness/shyness/insecurity/bad self image/ confidence struggles? If you are… may I please talk to you, or can you please give me advices?

I’m usually the type of person that’s shy around strangers, but when I have a connection with someone, with a friend, I’m no longer that awkward.
However, I’m well aware how much negative influences my lack of social skills brings me.

Things that make me feel bad and not confident:
My appearance. As a 16 year old who moved from China to Canada at age 10, who was raised in a background that did not value clothing or outward appearance or socializing at all, I was not taught “social decency.” I didn’t know what “rude” was and was not taught how to be nice naturally with people.
Lately I have became very insecure about my outward appearance and courtesies in certain situations. (I previously struggled with depressive episodes which I did not take care of myself at all) and with the buff of my negative self image, I don’t have a clear self image and it affects my socialization with other people.

I hate myself. I wish I had the fluent ability to talk about and solve my emotional struggles and feelings of insecurity with other people, to be more communicative and fun and interesting instead of being a painful, suffering, gross shutoff.

Socialization Bering a newness in life and newness brings life. I can’t stand stagnation anymore. I wish to change.

I feel like to my peers I come off as someone who is weird.

  1. Develop healthy hobbies and interests, let people see your pure passion about your hobbies. Through your interests you’ll make friends that have similar interests. Try not to try too hard when interacting with others, work to be relaxed and let things happen naturally. Learn to love yourself and develop self confidence through achieving goals. Make a “to do” list and work to achieve everything on your list. Example: 1) clean my room, 2) go for a 2 mile walk outside, 3) read 3 chapters in a book, 4). Greet and smile at a stranger. Celebrate getting all 4 things done on your list, then make a list for tomorrow. Overtime you will be amazed at how getting things done improves your self worth. Others will recognize the changes in you. Good luck

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