So, my gf (LDR), spent the whole day watching a movie with male friends on discord, all good, just said to her “okay, have fun :)”, but then night came, and she joined a videogame we both play, and it happened that I was online too, I joined her lobby, she kicked me 3 times, I asked her “are u gonna play with someone else?” she answered “im gonna play with randoms”, I answered “okay”, maybe she just wanted to play by herself, all good.

But then, I joined her lobby, and she was with one of her guy friends there (a guy that texts her sometimes too, they text each other sometimes, rly suspect guy too, sends her weird stuff sometimes), and I literally caught her on her lie, she wasn’t playing with “randoms” lol, she was playing with another guy, and they were on a private call apparently.

Then ofc she started saying “join us if u want”, but that doesn’t matter, she was tryna cover up for her lie or ease it up after I caught her, otherwise she would never tell me she was playing with another guy and on a call with him.

So basically, she kicked me 3 times, to go play with another guy, on a call with him.

What do you guys think about this? In need of some insight/prespective please.

  1. Yeah that’s sketchy, 5$ there is some less innocent chats going on in her DMs.

  2. Lying is one of the worst red flags there is.

    stay tuned, as what she had to talk to this guy you couldn’t know, and for that she didn’t hesitate to lie

  3. It sounds like your girlfriend was trying to keep her plans with the other guy a secret from you, which is obviously not a good sign. It’s important that both partners in a relationship trust each other and communicate their plans openly and truthfully. It seems like your girlfriend did not do that here, so it’s understandable that you are feeling hurt and betrayed. However, it’s important to remember that it’s possible this behavior was out of an innocent desire for some privacy or time away rather than any malicious intent.

    It might be helpful to talk to your girlfriend about the incident and how it made you feel. Listen to her version of events and her reasons for why she did what she did, then express your concerns to her and ask that she be honest and transparent with you in the future. If she is not willing to have an open dialogue with you, then it might be time to reevaluate your relationship. Good luck!

  4. Need more context:

    How long together

    How far is distance

    How many times you have met irl

  5. Hey, this seems terrible. Sorry you were treated this way. If my gf did this, I would either rage at her or completely ignore her. But ofc, eventually I’d want to know what’s the deal. I’d tell her to either open up about the issue or we’re going to have a serious conversation about rethinking being together. Tell her, NO normal person does what she has done! Respect yourself OP.
    What game was it btw?

  6. People put efforts into the relationships that matter to them more.

    It looks like she’s not valuing her relationship with you. She’s being disrespectful and is lying to you about who she was spending her time with. What I see here are some early signs of her having an affair if she hasn’t started already.

    This is likely going to be a mess in the long run.

    When she realizes that you are pulling back or are not focusing on her anymore, she may try to hoover you back in or blame you for not paying enough attention to her. She may make it out to be your fault that she’s choosing to spend time with the other guy.

    Set your own boundaries and stick to them. Don’t accept substandard treatment.

  7. That’s a huge no for me… she just completely ruined all trust. Have a conversation with her. I don’t think I could stay with someone who is willing to lie to me about another person in this way…

  8. She kicked you from her lobby, kick her from your heart homie. Bring down the banhammer.

  9. She’s lying to you and obviously doesn’t respect you. You need to move on and let her go.

  10. When she said she wanted to play with randoms she didn’t mean on a videogame , she meant in life as well

    Be prepared for bad news my guy.

  11. I think she needs to be your ex. She literally just showed you have an important you are compared to this guy. Does she have to show you again?

  12. Bro, why are you in a LDR with this woman? Find someone who is there for you in real life. She’s emotionally (and probably) actually cheating know that she has you waiting around for her like a puppy. LDRs are rarely worth it and she doesn’t prioritize you or your relationship.

    ETA She’s also a gamer. Biggest red flag here /s

  13. >What do you guys think about this?

    My brother in Christ, if you are unable to see the red flags in this relationship then you are beyond saving.

  14. Lying in a LDR? Don’t waste any more time. LDRs are already difficult enough without the stress of dishonesty and emotional infidelity.

  15. are we all gonna ignore that 4 days ago they posted about their 29 year old gf…?

  16. Do you really need advice on this?

    Trust your intuition…the situation is as messed up as you think it is

    Have some confidence and stick up for yourself, your GF (this or the next) won’t respect you if you’re not gonna respect yourself

  17. Long distance relationships don’t work, especially in your 20s. She’s also been caught lying. There’s better girls out there, don’t waste your time.

  18. She’s not your GF anymore.

    End it, find someone else who wants to spend time with you.

  19. He’s more important to her than you are.

    Sounds like you’re becoming the side piece. This is why LDRs often fail. One partner doesn’t get enough attention so they start looking elsewhere.

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