I dont know what to do. I was supposed to talk to people and what is/isnt appropriate as a kid and I never got to.

Now im 21. Im .nterrupting people without noticing or meaning to. When someone brings up that im being rude I start crying because it triggers childhood memories of the horrible shit ive gone through. Like, today someone pointed out i was unintentionally interupting people at work and i started crying. It just triggered horrible memories of how my mom talked to me and how she used stuff like that to tell me im a horrible person.

I WANT to be better. I WANT to take criticism well but i cant and idk where to start.

Please i need advice if you guys can give me any

1 comment
  1. When you hear correction from others youre hearing it in your moms voice even when you don’t think you are. I’m 24/almost 25 and struggled so much with this.

    It got better when I got more exposure to people correcting me. First couple times hurt so bad I cried too. Then slowly it was like – okay pity party for me over – “my bad y’all I’ll step back!! Haha just got excited. “ or “sorry man I’m just passionate/animated/excited” – and if it’s someone you’re growing close with or someone you truly don’t want to see you as rude, I’d take them to the side and say “hey so like I was sheltered as hell as a kid so I’m still adjusting to basic shit like socializing. If I’m being rude you can totally tell me, no hard feelings!”

    Much love. <3

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