Just for context: with meeting i mean date you were together

  1. Unless the person who touched me is my partner, I feel somewhat violated, as though they’d grabbed my ass or breast. It makes me extremely angry.

  2. I don’t like being touched in general. But in a professional context, someone touching my lower back just grosses me out big time

  3. I loathe being touched at all by anyone outside my intimate circle. I don’t even like shaking hands, much less social hugs. So that’s a hard no from me for any uninvited touching.

  4. You know a behaviour is sexist and creepy when it’s something they’d never dream of doing to other men.

  5. 💢

    I’m surprised and mad every time it happens, but rarely speak up because of the usual…*it was only one time, it’s not that important, plus he’s bigger than me and definitely more obnoxious, so I’m not in the mood to confront him…*

  6. On a date? Like date date? Totally fine personally. Although, I’m odd in this one because the lower back touch to get my attention or if they’re going behind me or whatever doesn’t bother me. I do it sometimes too so the person doesn’t suddenly back into me or whatever the situation. If it’s just a quick touch and pass by I’m unphased. The second it goes passed being beign and innocent then it’s a problem

  7. I’m not generally touchy-feely but when on a date, if the gentleman were to gently touch my lower back to guide me through a crowd of people, I wouldn’t have a problem with that.

  8. If it’s someone I’m on a date with and it’s going well it’s fine. If it’s on a date and I know I don’t want to see them again I don’t like it but it’s not something I would make an issue of as I know I’m never going on another date with that person again.

  9. i think to some degree i struggle with intimacy in a romantic/sexual setting. it takes me a while to warm up to someone and i just kinda got back into dating and every guy is super touchy-feely. i guess when someone is into you that might be natural but i feel so weird when they touch me.

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