Ok so I’ve been dating this girl just over 4 months. She’s an early bird so she’s starts getting tired at about 10. Me, I’m a night owl so I’m wide awake snuggling up on her. Which I love doing since one of my love languages is physical touch. My issue is a lot of intimate/romantic things I want to do with her hits different after dark. By it being the middle of the summer, it gets dark late. One big thing I want to do is put on some Billie Holiday and similar artist of that time, get the LED lights going, light some incents, and just slow dance in my living room while sharing a special occasion bottle of scotch. How can I share that experience with her without her getting sleepy on me? I tried last week and 2 seconds in I told her how beautiful she is (which is a habit of mine) and she blushed, laid back down, and changed the music. She did have an edible that night too before hand. I know it’s something she wants to do too. I’m struggling and my romantic side is screaming😭😭😭

1 comment
  1. Black out blinds.

    That way it can be dark and cosy, while also a reasonable time for her.

    Also don’t forget to make effort and give romance during the day too. Otherwise it can make someone feel like you’re only interested in them at night because its more likely to lead to sex.

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