I’ve been a “nice guy” for soooo long. I get that part of me will always be that nice guy and I need to continue accepting that, but that doesn’t mean I can’t work on my confidence as well.

I want to be more self-assured. I want to share opinions without ONLY worrying about being wrong or offensive. I want to do weird dances without wondering if people just think I’m stupid. I want to challenge people more on what they say. I want to speak more without overthinking the hell out of it. I want to work on comebacks to when people tease me. And be able to let that stuff go, too. And maybe most importantly, I want to just be myself without feeling like I NEED to always be smiling or laughing at literally what anyone says. I want to just act without overthinking myself to nothing.

I’ll probably always have strong “nice guy” genes… but that shouldn’t stop me from working toward actually being the life of the party! I’m in my 20s still, I’ve got tons of life to live, we all do. Confidence can be achieved.

  1. Please reconsider referring to yourself as a Nice Guy. Your post is clear about what your intent is, just know that many people (especially on the internet) have some very specific ideas about what that means. Give it a Google and reflect a bit.

  2. I’ll let you in on a secret: nice guys are nice because they are confident. Bad guys are impolite because their insecurity makes them lash out.

  3. Well, well, Kevin, looks like you finally want to break free from that nice guy persona! Good for you, mate! Confidence is like a hidden treasure, and you’re the pirate searching for it. But remember, even pirates have bad hair days!

  4. Well, if you want to be the life of the party, just remember: confidence is key, but don’t forget to bring some snacks!

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