We are both 22 years old, live with our parents and are 4 months into the relationship. Since our first discussion about me not being proactive I decided to take what happened on a positive note in order to move forward. On Monday I decided to be more proactive and take initiative, so I told her that I wouldnt like to stop celebrating our 4 months despite what happened, and that I was thinking about something special for Friday. I made a small invitation on Canva and sent it to her, basically asking if she wanted to join me on Friday. It is worth mentioning that I still have no car, and even though, I was willing to pay 5 different Ubers in order to make it all work. One from my work to her house, from her house to the place we were going to hang out, to her house back again and finally back to my house, all of that in order to make it work and spend some quality time together. Yesterday (Thursday) we were on a pone call and I brought up the topic, at this point I had not told her the place we were going to, only the time and date. While on the call I told her I was going to pick her up at 6:30pm, that we were going to go on Uber because I had no car, she then asked me where we going, I told her that even though the last 4 months in order to celebrate we went for dinner to restaurants (nice ones) this time I had thought about something different and we were not going dining. One time we went to go visit an observatory but it was closing when we got there. I thought it would be special to re-visit it for our four months and watch all the stars in the night. That is what I exactly told her, I told her I was thinking about going to the observatory that we were no table to go last time, and that it would be nice to see the stars together. She suddenly went silent and told me “Are you serious?, you are going to spend money on Ubers just to go to an Observatory?” I was honestly shocked about her response, I told her that if she didnt want to go to just tell me, to which she told me “To be honest, no, I do not want to go, lets go out another day” in an arrogant tone. We then ended the call on that note. My question is, whats your input about this specific situation? Do you guys think it is an objectively bad plan or that I´m doing the minimum? I honestly dont know if I´m wrong or did something bad that upset her. It honestly gave me the impression that if I told her instead we were going to a restaurant(a nice one) or something he reaction would have been different. She also knows I have to save money in order to repair my car and I feel she does not also take that into acount. Later that night I sent a her picture of a card I had personally made on canva and printed in order to give it to her when we were there to conmemorate the situation. It had the date, place and the phrase “celebrating 4 months together, Walking as a couple in this vast universe is a unique gift, our love shines like a star in the immensity of the night.” With like a night with stars theme relating to the observatory and our visit. We had a call later at night where I told her it felt bad that I had to throw to the garbage what I had printed and prepared. She told me the following “I believe that we still do not understand each other in many things, and as I told you before, perhaps my expectations are different because with other people I have been with, I think they have set the bar high and I am used to that, I will never romanticize the minimum effort that someone do it for me and I don’t even have to be telling you this and if I sound heavy or whatever I prefer to be like that but honestly I won’t do things that don’t make me feel comfortable worse on “special” dates, I don’t have to demand anything from you I just want you to know how I am and well, the truth is that we had already discussed it and I am not going to change my mind in any way.
I will only tell you that please do not feel obligated to be with me, if you want to make a decision that’s fine, I respect it, you have your expectations and I have mine and it is clear to me that they are very, very different, but I only know that at this point I shouldn’t be saying to someone what to do for me.” Thanks for your input guys. We havent texted or nothing since yesterday, didnt tell her goodmorning, nothing, I just went silent.

TL;DR: I thought about going to an observatoy with my girlfriend to spend quality time together and celebrate our 4 months in a different way but she basically told me she “deserves better” and that I´m doing the minimum effort.

  1. Dump her. Let her go find someone who has the power to read her mind and will put up with her condescending BS.

    For what it’s worth – I’m a woman and I have no idea what she is on about. I think your plan was lovely.

  2. She has very expensive taste for someone who is only 22 and you’ve only been dating for 4 months. I don’t think you need to waste any more time on this. The first 6-12 months should be basically the easiest. She’s already complaining like a tired housewife. If she doesn’t like you this early on, it’ll only be problems and demands from here on out.

  3. It’s four months. Just walk away.

    Call this an incompatibility and just end it. She’s telling you that just ‘how she is’ is really, really unpleasant and unkind. I always consider it a dealbreaker when someone says ‘This is just how I am’ when they are referring to behaving badly. Don’t just keep working away at something when there is this level of hostility and lack of respect. It’ll only be more anger and drama. Don’t give yourself that baggage. Just opt-out.

    Agree with her: Your expectations for how a relationship should look and sound like are completely different, and incompatible. Wish her well. Break up.

    This isn’t something to fight for.

  4. She sounds pretty spoiled from her responses. I personally would break up and find someone who doesn’t have extravagant expectations. Has she ever planned dates and picked you up before? Who pays for the fancy dinners?

    Also as a woman, I agree your plan sounded lovely.

  5. I think that’s a sweet date. Many girls would. Go find one of those girls. Date people who appreciate you

  6. She sounds awful. You setup a really lovely date and we’re just thrashed by her words. I’d chalk this up to irreconcilable differences and move on

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