I’m curious.

  1. All the time. They come up in conversations. And sometimes they drop by

  2. We have a child. He lives with me as she is an unfit mother. I think of her daily, and I am remarried. Memories hurt. His life should have been different.

  3. Hardly ever. They were all high school/ college boyfriends. I do wonder what they are doing now though.

  4. Everything takes time. If the break up was fairly recent 1-12months then I’d still think about them even if I was in a new relationship. Over time though those thoughts subside more and more

  5. Some I think of rarely and I’m happy for them, some I think of frequently and am kind of bitter still. Regardless I talk to none of them, except one but we’re on good terms.

  6. Only when we’re having sex. But that’s usually bc I tape a picture of them to my gfs forehead

  7. I only pine for one, and it’s usually after my current relationship ended. Like, damn. I thought she was last best chance and this recent break up seems to prove it.

  8. A relationship doesn’t exist in a vacuum. There will be echoes from past relations. New habits that are the same or the opposite from older relations. Restaurants where I went before with someone else romantically or friendly.

  9. I think of them on occasion. I used to be so upset with them when a lot of people told me I was used by them, lied to, and other various issues. As of now, since I don’t talk to any of them, I often wonder how they’re doing, and hope they’re doing alright, as I’d wish the best for them.

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