How was your experience dating with a high libido woman?

  1. Every woman I’ve dated has had high libido. Which has been a positive for me since mines is high too. I think it all depends on if your girl finds your legitimately sexually attractive. There’s a difference between a woman liking and being sexually aroused by a man. For one guy he gets the basic free trial addition. The other guy he has the ultimate deluxe edition.

  2. Good, they’ve always been adventurous and willing to try new things as well

  3. I married her 16 years ago and it just increased over time. Best idea I ever had;)

  4. Exhausting.

    My wife has both the highest libido of anyone I have ever met, and serious past sexual trauma which, when triggered, can leave her not wanting sex for months at a time.

    When she is on, I just feel like I am running on fumes.

    Get really good at oral, with your fingers, and get some nice toys. It can be a lifesaver when she is ready for round 4 and your body is not on the same page as your brain.

  5. Became too repetitive and felt more like a chore than enjoyable. She was amazing, but it became a little too much. Multiple times a day, just about every day. It was fun at first but eventually became too much.

    But now, 20 years later, I sometimes miss that college girl libido and openness to try new things in the bedroom.

  6. I was with a girl that wanted to go at it for several hours of the day, practically every day. It was tiring to say the least. There were literally times where I had to tell her we couldn’t do it right now cuz it was bleeding… Overall though it was nice to be wanted that much.

  7. Great for about six months. I really couldn’t hang anymore. Twice sometimes three times a day/night isn’t for me.

  8. We would have sex for two hours. She’d celebrate how much energy I was giving her and how I was always just ready, like she was a succubus or something. Then I’d go to sleep and be woken up for another round. I remember the very last time we had sex, I just turned over to my left side and inserted my flaccid penis into her and thrusted half-heartedly.

  9. I had an FWB that would come to my place up to twice a week, get naked right away, we’d have sex for 4-5 hours, then she’d get dressed and leave. Sometimes, she brought snacks. It was the best few months of my life.

    Use different positions to get a rest. If she has sensitive nipples, get her on top and suck both of her nipples at once while she rides you like a bucking bronco, which will tire her out, but not you, except your neck might hurt after a while, so use a pillow to support your head. Also, a 69 with her on top is a good time to rest. Be sure to listen to music and have water available, so you can just lie there and chat to recover your energy.

    Edit: it’s also less likely that you’ll cum when you’re on your back, so that keeps you going longer.

  10. She had BPD. The relationship has too many ups and downs. With that being said, I’ll be down to see her again.

  11. Great! I have a high sex drive myself

    Except I find they usually aren’t the most in equal giving and receiving.

    Aka the amount of head and hj they give vs the amount of head and fingering I give is nowhere near even.

  12. Each of the ones I dated ended up cheating. Even though we were having sex daily and I always made sure they orgasm.

  13. Highly recommended. Not everyone can fuck 5+ times a day, but I happen to be one of those people. Sadly my first girlfriend was the most sexually compatible person I’ll probably ever meet in my life.

  14. It’s fun but exhausting long term.

    You will get really really good at all things fucking related and future girlfriends will appreciate the skills

  15. My fiance is high libido and I am as well. Most of the time it’s great but as a few others have mentioned it can be…a lot.

    The biggest positives for me are I can’t begin to how to describe how phenomenal it is having a partner who not only regularly initates (I do too) but she does so genuinely and enthusiastically because she wants it, not because she feels like she’s obligated to or just simply wants to please me. The difference between the two is so noticable.

    That was honestly a big learning curve for me based on past relationships were I was more or less conditioned to “earn” sexual stuff and past partners initiating was a treat and not a regular occurrence. It was also very different with me initiating because in the past I kind of had to do so meticulously and cautiously. With her I am *expected* to take it when I want it and there’s seldom times I get a no and that’s usually well communicated in advance or I already know she’s not feeling well or something so I don’t initiate and am happy being patient.

    Second biggest thing is despite having sex regularly, it *never* gets old. We are both active, very compatible, and comfortable with what we both want and she’s genuinely the best partner I’ve ever had by a country mile. Our worst, sloppy, a little too tipsy sex is more funny than bad and still better than the best I’ve had with another partner. It’s seriously so much fun because we match each other’s energy and switch the mood to be very passionate, funny and playful, or a lot more intense depending on knowing each other’s mood and temperament at the time.

    The biggest downside is Jesus fucking christ does she wear me out. I’m a very active guy, work out 5 days a week, and 2 1/2 years in I’m STILL freaking sore after days where she’s in a serious mood. Usually, other than slipping in a quickie here and there, most of the time it’s a multi-hour ordeal with multiple rounds and a snack break and I’ve got an empty clip and sore as hell by the time I can tame that horny little she-demon. 🤣🤣

    It took me a bit to get conditioned for all of that and have the cannon armed and ready for the next round very quickly and luckily I very much enjoy giving oral which is an intergal part for her (and me to reload)🤣. But 100/10 worth it!

    Edit: another part I forgot to add… the OTHER thing I had to prepare for especially when we moved in together is that there is no when, where, or any indication/ warming she will spontaneously be in a mood. I can tell when she’s horny very easily, but often times it comes in the form of sneak attacks. Could be laying on the couch peacefully, could be 3am in the morning, could be the second I walk in the door after work. No way to tell when she will figuratively (and very literally) pounce like a lioness taking her prey. 🤣

  16. “Dated” a milf when I was fresh out of college. I was in one of my man whore phases and we saw each other for around 6 months. She wanted sex all of the time, everytime, anytime, everywhere. I felt like a penis attached to a body eventually and grew tired of it.

  17. Very strange

    Both girls I’ve dated had very high libido

    One of them didn’t like sexting but every time we were together, it was crazy. She wanted it all the time and then would get sad because she thought all we did was have sex, and would then turn around and initiate more of it. We did other things too, so I didn’t get it

    The other one I struggle to keep up sometimes. I have somewhat high libido but I’m not always in the mood for the concentration and work that good sex requires. I try my best but it is definitely a struggle

  18. She threw a salad at a wall and stomped her feet when I didn’t have sex with her once. I ended up developing a bit of anxiety when it came to sex, which is an issue I’d never had in my life(I’m 34 now this was a year ago I ended it after a year) I stayed because my mom was dying, and I didn’t have the emotional capacity to handle a break up/being alone and losing my mother. Not one of my best moments in life but honestly she was amazing in literally every other way.

  19. Exhausting beyond belief. I’m probably below average libido as far as males go, but I still love sex. My ex wanted it 15+times a week, I couldn’t keep up.

  20. Constant fear of being cheated on if you do not provide her with what she needs. Eventually got cheated on for not providing her with what she needed. What can I say, I had it coming.

  21. I’ve only dated one woman that wanted daily sex. Happened to be the hottest girl I’ve ever dated. Like centerfold type hot.
    But yeah after a year or so it’s not that awesome. It’s boring, same old same old

  22. If i ever wasn’t as into it as she was, she’d suck it hard and have her way with me. It was pretty great in that respect. The cheating on me, not so much.

  23. I’ve actually dated two, and the experience was completely different each time.

    The first felt I was responsible for all of her orgasms, and she would get pissed if I didn’t make sure to help her achieve at least one a day. No matter how many times I tried to talk to her about it she would never accept that if she was horny and I wasn’t feeling it then she should just go jerk off. On top of that, she had some issue with nerve endings that I’m not even going to pretend to understand, but she was not very sensitive down there at all and even after years together it would still take me over 20 minutes of serious effort to get her to come once. Overall, she made sex feel like a chore.

    The second one though, she was like a gift from Heaven that I did not deserve at all. Pretty much always down unless she was still sore from the last time we fucked, perfectly happy to take care of herself if I ever wasn’t in the mood, and best of all she got off from penetration so getting her off wasn’t something that needed to be done separate from sex, it happened during every damn time

  24. It made sex feel like a lingering chore

    I have a lower sex drive and whenever I would see her, it felt like she wanted to have sex. This wasn’t our entire relationship luckily. We always did other things, but when plans were done, it felt like things were being steered into that direction. I don’t diss wanting to have it more, but it made me realize how sexual compatibility is super important in a relationship. At the end of the day, we ended up going our separate ways (not because of this) and now I’m dating someone who has a closer sex drive and it feels like a lot more like a relief

  25. Good and bad. Sex whenever I wanted was great but when you’ve nutted 5 times that day and she’s edging you for the entire runtime of a episode, it starts being torture.

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