I [Bi 21F] am seeing this guy [ Het 26M] who has a lot of social anxiety and is generally awkward. I really like him and I can see us staying together for a long time,
But the issue I’m having is that I still don’t feel satisfied? I want to pursue whatever this is between me and him, but I also.. I really want to pursue other relationships too. There’s other people I know who are very hot and I’d love to fuck them or date them as well
But I don’t think he’d be cool with that? Idk. Things aren’t that serious right now but we’ve both made our intentions for a long term relationship clear and have already agreed to just see eachother

I feel gross for still wanting to see other people.. it’d be easy to just not tell him and pursue these other humans too. But I don’t want to do that because that’s disgusting lol
But I still wanna see these other people

It’s a weird dilemma

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