My wife has said that she wants to try to swallow my cum. This is one of my biggest fantasies since she is the only one I have been with. She has never wanted before and she is very sensitive when it comes to things like this so if she decides to not do it in the end I get it. But since she brought it up I have been thinking that maybe I should have some juice or maybe a coke or something in case the taste is too much for her.

Is that a smart idea?

If she ends

  1. I typically have a drink on hand when I know I’m going to be swallowing. It does help.

    This is very thoughtful of you, to help your wife with this. You should probably ask if she’d like something. Juice is a good idea, if you get one with a strong flavor, but also yeah, anything fizzy is good too. I find that carbonation can dissipate any lingering cum pretty quickly. Just ask her what she’d like.

    You may also want to have a towel on hand in case she can’t handle it and wants to spit it out. Prepare for both eventualities.

  2. That is really sweet of you. She will appreciate the sentiment no matter what the drink is. But yeah something with a strong flavour would be good if she doesn’t like the taste.

  3. Do that but also make sure you drink plenty of water and have a clean diet leading up to her swallowing. Just to make it taste as pleasant as it could.

  4. It’s all in Whatchu eat. Eat pineapples. Shorty tells me it’s sweet or tasteless.

  5. It is a kind and sweet gesture.

    I would say have whatever one of her favorite drinks is, sitting on the bedside table.

    Whatever that might be; soda, coffee, tea, lemon aid, water, whatever.

    Even better, ask her.

  6. I’d say have a bag or can nearby for her to spit it in if she doesn’t like it.

  7. That’s considerate of you, you could also drink pineapple juice yourself and be well hydrated

  8. My husband had literally paused and said “let me grab you a Diet Coke”. The carbonation helps me. also agree with everyone else limit the alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and drug use (if applicable).

  9. Nooo, why would you try to do something nice and basic for someone trying to please you???!!! Are you nuts???

    I can’t, I can’t.

    Edit: you rule! Great idea!!! Brilliant!!! *pat on the back*

  10. eat good and it will taste good. if u eat like sht it will taste like sht and she likely won’t want to do it again

  11. I usually bring a chaser only bc it’s thick and feels like it clogs my throat

  12. For me, what makes the most difference in taste is my man’s hydration status. Drink plenty of water!!! As for her, a really thoughtful idea! I’d say some strong flavoured juice 🙂 And whatever happens in the end, give each other lots of love after ❤️

  13. For best results, try going vegetarian for a bit. Eat a ton of leafy foods, drink fruit juice, avoid red meat and fast food

  14. just a glass of water by the bed is a good idea when youre having sex anyway lol, dont hand it to her after or it might ruin the moment, just let her know its there if shes wants it

  15. A glass of 100% juice on the bedside for her. A washcloth or small towel nearby.

    Really surprised how many women do not swallow. There is no better feeling as a female to watch and be in 100% control of how my own actions just made someone else feel so…lovely.

    I always know afterwards that I will be taken control of, which makes it even better!

  16. That is so sweet!! If i were her, i’d think that would be very thoughtful

  17. Start eating pineapples so you will taste better. Then you might not even need the juice for her.

  18. Very kind of you! Definitely have something on hand for her. She can also have you cum as deep as is comfortable into the back of her throat so that it can bypass her tastebuds and just go straight down. That’s what I’ve done when I’ve been in the first trimester and don’t particularly want to taste it but still wanna please my hubby.

  19. Omg. Marry that wife 😛 Also obliged to mention sugar fruits like pineapples should be your primary diet. Godspeed!

  20. Please don’t be offended when I offer this perspective, but I’m looking out for you. If she’s squeamish about bodily fluids and doesn’t want to have them in her mouth there isn’t a very big chance that you will ever get to regularly cum in her mouth. She may also not be very open to other fantasies and ways to keep things fresh throughout the years, and your sex life will likely severely drop off after having kids.

  21. A drink of her choice, yeah. Ive always reached for something to take a big sip of afterwards

  22. Drink lots of water weeks beforehand. Consider taking a probiotic and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, it may help improve the taste. Have you tried chocolate syrup?

  23. No, but you should increase your intake of pineapple. Your wife will appreciate it.

  24. I mean, dude. You’re actually asking Reddit if it’s a good idea to have a drink on hand. What exactly is the potential _downside_ of doing this, if you decide to do it? Why even ask?

  25. good idea, ask her what she wants though (and have it on hand for future use)

  26. My gf literally takes it all in when I cum so it goes down her throat. She still has a Pepsi on hand though.

  27. That is so considerate of you! Some type of flavored drink would definitely help to offset the taste. Something most people don’t think about is the texture; it almost leaves a slime like residue in the back of your throat. I would also suggest a “snack” lol like a cookie or Cracker or chip or something to help “wash it down” and eliminate any leftover that may have an after taste or texture in her throat! Best of luck!

  28. Yes you should. To me it’s like thick salt water that coats my whole throat.

  29. I think this is super sweet and she’ll appreciate it. Even if she ends up not wanting the drink, I know she’ll be touched that you cared enough to have it there for her just in case.

  30. I once had a woman that suggested that I drink pineapple juice the day before because she was going to swallow my cum…. She told me after, that I didn’t taste bad, at all.

  31. Am insane that I absolutely love going down on my boyfriend and I do not mind his semen taste even a little bit?

  32. That’s sweet. Probably unnecessary but sweet. Do it.

    Or better yet, down that pineapple juice yourself for a few days ahead of time.

    Hopefully she doesn’t end, you seem quite attached to her

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