Okay so I was on a night out with a group of friends, it was my friend and his girlfriend and then they brought two friends each.

Quite late in the night as we were standing in a quiet part of the bar my girlfriends friend (whom I’ve known for a few months) started saying to me that she was so surprised that I don’t have a girlfriend.

‘But you’re a catch! You’re actually so lovely!’
‘And you’ve a great sense of style’
‘But you just get along with everyone’

Bear in mind our other friend, who’s also single was standing nearby.
But she didn’t say it to him.

She was definitely a little drunk at this stage, but we all were her boyfriend, my friend was standing sort of half in the conversation and half out.

I took it as a compliment but it still strikes me as somewhat weird.

I obviously retold it to my friend (her boyfriend) and he just found it funny started joking saying ‘I think she’s coming onto you!’
‘I’m going to have to find a new place to live!’

What do you make of it?
It’s a compliment but am I completely over thinking things or does it also strike you as a little odd?

Before anyone says it – she’s with my friend and I’m absolutely not interested for that reason.

Slight side point – I got talking to her friend who came with us.
She had been with some guy earlier but joined back with our group.
She was asking what I do for a living and I started to take the piss.
So I (jokingly) told her I was a neurosurgeon.
Everyone else knows that I’m a business major.
She didn’t believe me but found it quite funny.
So that went on for awhile as I spoke to the hardships of my imaginary career.

Then next day she started laughing about it again as we were all getting breakfast.
And she asked ‘does that usually work for you?’
I just joked that it was a new initiative that’s yet to prove itself in the field.
And she just laughed.
But the question was ‘does that usually help you pick up women?’ Which would imply that I was flirting with her.
But she was quite forward about it.

  1. No it doesn’t sound odd at all. I think she’s just encouraging you to get a girlfriend and saying that you would have no problem with the girls. When people see a single man who seems all right they may think: “That guy is probably shy/unconfident/insecure etc.”, and they wish to reassure him. This is especially true when you are drunk and get sentimental.

  2. >What do you make of it? It’s a compliment but am I completely over thinking things or does it also strike you as a little odd?

    You’re overthinking it. It’s not that odd and she was just paying you a compliment. Women say stuff like that all the time without necessarily being flirtatious, and even if she was flirtatious, it sounds harmless. Take the compliment and don’t stress about it.

    It sounds like her friends is into you. Based on how you described your conversation with her it sounds like you *were* flirting with her even if you didn’t realize it.

  3. No, I’ve said that to my boyfriend about one of his friends before. It really was just a complement because his friend is genuinely a great guy and is becoming a good friend and I was surprised! I wouldn’t overthink that one- it could cause you and her some unnecessary problems if you think about it like that.

  4. People get more honest when they’re drinking. I think she was being genuine. I also think it’s pretty common for women to tell guy friends things like that. Maybe that’s where the whole “friendzone” thing came from.

  5. I feel like she did that so you would then tell her how you feel. She was hoping you liked her and that was her way of saying she’s attracted to you without literally coming out and saying that because of her bf

  6. OP I m gonna be real with you, I can see why you might be having trouble getting a GF.

    You are turning something good in the form of a compliment and confidence boost from a friend into something weird by overthinking it and mentioning it to your friend. Girls get weirded out by this stuff, try to go with the flow and not overthink stuff and I m sure you ll have a girl in no time.

  7. Sounds like she was giving you a compliment. You could ask her to keep you in mind if she meets anyone that she thinks would be a good fit for you.

  8. You are extremely overthinking a compliment. I don’t understand why you felt the need to tell her boyfriend about it

  9. U could just knew the second they opened their mouths.
    That’s why eye contact is so important, her tongue can say whatever she wants to, but her eyes will tell u the truth, did she flirt with you? Did she just compliment you?
    Better luck next time.

  10. Like everyone else is saying, don’t overthink it. She may even have been trying to set you up with her friend without being too forward about it.

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