Did you feel old? Or a sudden crushing responsibility or something?

  1. I got a gf, who became a wife, we adopted a child, a little girl, super energetic, she grew so fast, or maybe i was too busy to notice her growth, anyways, we were a happy family all three of us, didn’t last long, i don’t want to think that i became distant or cold, but distance grew between us, too large for either of us to cross the bridge, at some point i didn’t even notice that they were gone, they went away without me even realizing it, the pictures stayed as bitter memories of better times.

    Not yet, but that is what i see in four years from now.

  2. At thirty you now have credibility. You have been around long enough to see and experience some things.

  3. I got into thinking I was 30 months before I actually turned 30.

    When I woke up on my 30th birthday, it wasn’t like someone broke into my apartment to laugh at me. “HAHA! You’re old, you old bastard! Put some WD-40 on your joints so your old ass can get out of bed and make some cream of wheat for breakfast”, etc.

  4. I developed adult-onset epilepsy and was forced to leave my career because it was too dangerous. It worked out ok. I’m in a totally different field now that I enjoy.

  5. 1) Stop looking for an adult. You ARE the adult.
    2) Hydrate or diedrate.
    3) Start stretching yesterday.
    4) That 401k ain’t gonna fill itself.
    5) You don’t have to maintain a relationship with anyone you don’t want to maintain a relationship with.

  6. My back got a little worse and pretty much everything else got way better. My 30s have been great!

  7. The way people talk to me. More respect and old people let loose a lot more around me.

  8. My knees turned 60.

    But I do yoga every morning and they de-age. I also made alcohol a strictly weekend thing (with a 2-drink max). Have to be the damn adult for myself

  9. As a person grows older, his responsibility in life increases. This is one of the problems that will arise when you are an adult.

  10. Uh, mostly the same cept I care less and somehow that was what I needed to do better. I’m more responsible, more deliberate and assured. All because I gave up on trying as hard as I was to feel happy.

  11. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis at 30. It’s been downhill ever since. I’m sitting here feeling the storm outside right now.

  12. Lost the ability to drink milk or high gluten breads like soft pretzels without horrific gas pain and volcanic bowl movements.

  13. I stopped asking for advice. I seem to always know what decision to make because i know what i want and what’s important to me. Might not be the best decision in the long run, but I never doubt myself.

  14. 1. Lost interest in comic book films/TV or cinema in general.

    2. Have a strict H₂O only for drinks except on special occasions like dinner parties.

    3. Stopped caring about promotions and more focused on living life. Promotions are all about sucking up and I’m not interested in spending my existence being someone’s lapdog.

    There are plenty but these are three major ones.

  15. My body. I can’t handle drinking like I used to, knees hurting (after a semi professional sporting career), back hurting now and than and I’m tired most of the time.

    Apart from that, career is going great, kids are doing great, financially we became stable and back on track again after a rough patch. The wife and I are happy as can be. Being 30 is awesome!

  16. I dont feel comfortable talking to young women anymore. Its all fine and dandy mingling with 18-20 year olds in my mid 20s. But now that I’m 32, I just cant do it

  17. My first date with my wife was just before my thirtieth birthday. Didn’t know it at the time but I had met my one and only. 17 years, three kids, and an almost paid off mortgage later, I’d say it worked out.

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