We know women have certain scenarios its not ok to approach them like at the gym. What would be a big no for men?

  1. One time, I went to jury duty and a girl ~my age blatantly came onto me.

    I didn’t think we’d be a good match, tbh. But beyond that, is jury duty really where you want to meet somebody?

  2. There’s leeway depending on how hot she is. When I’m actively working out (i.e. not between sets), I 100% do not want to be approached by anyone.

  3. In places where you’re in a position of power over them, i.e. teacher, boss, cop pulling them over, etc.

  4. When out with a woman in a romantic situation, that’s tacky, and in an emergency or tragic situation. Other than that it’s all fair game to me.

  5. The gym, the restroom, a funeral, cemeteries, at work, when doing important things, when we have headphones in/on, when we are with our families, in weird situations like walking down an empty street at night, when the context is not appropriate.

  6. Hitting on me mutliple times at a place of business. If I don’t pursue, I am not interested. And I don’t want to tell a woman I am not interested because she will have an existential crisis.

    One of my local restuarants I can’t go to anymore. Now I drive another 15 minutes to get to the next one. I don’t want a bitter person spitting in my food.

  7. Men are OK with approaches from women either Monday through Friday or on weekends. All other days are off limits.

  8. Work and gym.

    It’s really interesting that women are starting to go after men instead of men going after women. Now there is a small percentage of men that are very active in dating who manage to keep a majority of women “occupied”. But, a new study came out saying 63% of men have stopped dating entirely between the ages of 20-30 years old. That number is set to break 70% next year.

    Women have been receiving less potent men from these past few years because the percentage of men have been leaving the dating market entirely.

    It would be interesting to see women develop the culture of asking men out because the margin of men that are asking them out is depleting rapidly.

  9. When I’m working. My brain is not on that wavelength at work. That being said I’ve been hit on a couple of times at work, and I found it annoying.

  10. Why don’t a lot of the socially inept early 20 men and women on reddit just admit.

    Y’all just think online dating is the only place to approach each other because most of you are deathly scared of human face to face social interaction and have worse social skills than a toddler

    All women are different… just because you see a number of women online demand men don’t approach women at places. Doesn’t mean it’s the law or they are the leader of all womankind

    “I can’t talk to her. The Internet won’t allow it” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣

    Seriously I’ve seen the dumb rules of where not to approach women and it all boils down to “Only approach on dating apps”… yeah, how about no. Go touch grass

    A man and a woman I work with met each other at work and are dating. Doesn’t that break the “Don’t shit where you eat”, rule the Internet has made up?

    One of my friends also met his current girlfriend at a music festival last year. Doesn’t that break the “She is just there to have fun with her friends” rule

    The amount of excuses people come up with to avoid social human face to face interaction is sad.

  11. We don’t get approached so there’s no data on it. Pretty sure any guy would be super chuffed by it and would be riding the wave for life by just getting asked out ONCE in our life.

  12. Don’t get between me and what I’m welding while I have my hood down

  13. I don’t like women approaching me at the gym either. If I am there I want to be left alone.

  14. I don’t think I have any preferences.

    A woman can approach me anywhere she likes, and I’d be happy.

    Shame it doesn’t happen though.

  15. Not even attracted by women, but pretty much any public space is fine if you want to approach me.

  16. Approached? Well, that ain’t happening but there are times where I don’t enjoy any attention when I’m eating. Like if I’m stuffing my face and chilling but I keep getting stared at or someone sits directly behind/near me. Happened alot during uni.

  17. This is so much shit. Most men would be super stoked to be approached by any woman anywhere, no matter where they are because they’ll buzz off the rush of confidence it will give them for years. They’d be so thrilled they wouldn’t care what situation they are in.

  18. The altar.

    No, not the wedding, I mean the sacrificial one. The crops cannot be disturbed!

  19. Lmao, I’m sorry but this is actually a stupid question. Come on. When are women gonna get it.

  20. If I’m in the process of breaking into someone’s house to take their laptops and jewelry I’d rather be left alone

  21. When I’m surfing, seriously I’m trying to get waves and I’ll run your ass over if you’re in my way

  22. This is stupid.

    Women don’t really approach men that often, statistically insignificant.

    And guys aren’t going around saying women shouldn’t approach us at x, y and z…

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