My boyfriend and I got in an argument a few days ago, today him and I had fun and then we sat in my car and talked about the argument. We talked for a while and then we realized that a huge issue is that he doesn’t love me the way I love him.
I would do anything for him. I know this is extreme but if he says he’s free I wouldn’t make any other plans for him, when him and I fight I can’t proceed with my life until we are okay.
He does love me but not in these ways. He puts me aside a lot. A lot of the times he’ll push our plans back many hours to see his friends last minute.
I have begged him for some things such as spontaneous letters which he has written me 1 in the last year and a half… besides that the wants I ask for aren’t met.
I love him, I really do… but I’m realizing that we fight so often because of me wanting him to love me the way I love him.
I don’t think he’s capable of loving me the way i love him. I have begged and pleaded and I just don’t know if he has it in him.
What do I do? I really don’t want to leave but I don’t know if he could ever give me what I want.

  1. I mean if you can’t get what you want out of a relationship… why continue? It seems shallow (and in a way it is but it’s healthy) don’t throw your life down for someone who ain’t gonna do the same to your extent

  2. That saying “whoever loves less has the most power” is kind of true.

    If you’re not getting the love you’re giving, then you’re not really being taken care of in this relationship. If that’s the way he loves you and you feel empty, then it might not be something you can change. You deserve someone who loves the way you love or else you’re never going to feel fulfilled in your relationship. I wish you the best in this because it really does hurt, but you need to take care of yourself.

  3. Well you have to leave because the way he treats you bothers you and he doesn’t want to change

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