Sooo I don’t know what the hell it is with me, but when it comes to texting anyone I just feel mad awkward for some reason. Take for example the question “how are you”. I always expect the other person to ask it and I always feel terrible for some reason if I gotta ask it. I don’t even know why but it’s like this big ass uncomfortable feeling/awkwardness inside that be hindering me from asking them “how are you?”. I don’t know why this is. Usually I’d be waiting for the other person to say it, and I end up waiting forever. This happens with, well…everyone I text, at this point 😭

TLDR: I need advice on how to feel more confident and comfortable with reaching out first and asking the first “how are you?”

  1. I have that too but also the other way around. When someone texts me with just “Hi! How are you?” and nothing else, i don’t even open the chat. I read it from the notification and wait to reply only after they text the follow up with the reason why they are contacting me.
    So the “How are you” thing….. I just skipp it all togheter because it doesn’t make any sense to torture myself with that.

    What I write instead is “Hey! I hope you’re doing well. *insert the reason for which I contact that person*” and leave it to that. Or “Hope this message find you well, I’m contacting you for…..” , or if it’s a friend I just go with whatever information or question I have for them, without any hello or small talk around it.

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