My boyfriend (27) and me (25) have been together for 4 years. I love him so much and in the early stages of our relationship, he would talk about how I was the girl he wanted to marry. He’s always had a dream of being a pro wrestler and even goes to the local training here and attends the local wrestling shows. I have been telling him for about 2 years that I was wanting to move in together and he says he’s not ready. We even broke up for a while because he said he had to chase his dreams and couldn’t dedicate time to me. So for the past year, he goes does about 2 hours of exercise in his room and then goes to the gym for an hour. If I ask him to do something with he during the week, he says he cant because he needs to chase his dreams. So I have started attending the wrestling shows and none of these guys are muscular at all. So recently I asked him: What exactly are your goals? Do you want to be muscular or how are you getting to be a wrestler? And he said “I don’t really know I don’t have a set goal Im just going to the gym every day and trying to get buff and then who knows”. THIS MAN has put our entire relationship on hold because he’s chasing his dream and cant hangout with me even when something important is going on because he’s at the gym, when in reality he doesn’t even have a plan on how to be a wrestler or anything. He only attends these wrestling training sessions like once a month and he says he would rather go to the gym and get buff than train. Make it make sense!! I just want to know am I wasting my time? He’s 27 and we have been dating for 4 years and every time I bring up our future together or moving in he just gets so uncomfortable. I just want to move forward and we both have great jobs. I don’t know what Im doing wrong.

TL;DR: Bf (27) says he doesn’t want to move forward in our 4 year relationship because he’s too busy trying to be a pro wrestler. He goes to the gym every day and cant hangout with me because of it. He has no plan on how else to be a wrestler.

  1. The only thing you’re doing wrong is staying with a dude that has no plan and no shared timeline with you

  2. >I just want to know am I wasting my time?


    You’re not doing anything wrong. He’s just not interested in settling down with you.

  3. You’re wanting your time . Besides these training events once a month is he actually wrestling at shows? The guys that actually make it to the top 3 or 4 companies were the top of their territory or have a gimmick they are looking for.

  4. He’s not chasing his dreams if he’s just sitting around doing nothing with no plan and partially just hoping it’ll maybe fall into his lap. He just doesn’t want to spend time with you or commit and move it. By 27 waiting 4! Years to move in is insane imho. Usually by that age a year or so is more than enough time to decide if you’re going to move forward together and taking steps to commit etc. He also already showed he’s willing to lose you instead of moving in since y’all have broken up over it already. I would say as an outsider based on your post you are 100% wasting your time and he won’t ever be ready to commit and move forward with you.

  5. Not that he ever will be a pro wrestler but 27 is starting to get pretty old, if you’re not already famous.

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