I (28) am in an abusive relationship and don’t know how to get out.. we fight so much and I’m scared.. I tell him to leave and that I am done. But the reality is.. he has no family and no friends. We do have a daughter together (2).
Every time we fight he screams at me to call the cops and that the only way he will leave is if I call the cops… but then what? What happens next? I feel so guilty.. this is my daughters father..
he always says stuff like he wish he could just “neck up” and has said some horrible stuff to me.. I just don’t know what to do..

  1. Even if she is his father, what needs to be done is what’s best for your child. Yelling and screaming around a two year old is not something that she will understand.

    As far as things go, if the house is in your name then you can tell him to leave. If you two are renting, then find another place. Go to your family if you need to.

    Take out money that is yours, move your things somewhere slowly where he won’t see them. Even if it’s just essentials, like your paperwork, her paperwork, clothing and some extra food. Sentimental items if you can.

    Keep family updated, friends involved. Anyone you can that can be a lifeline. Make sure you have some kind of mode of transportation and income if possible and write things down. Make sure that there is evidence, keeping records is always a good thing.

    And have someone serve divorce papers. Depending on where it is look into your local laws. All in all make sure that you have every route possible to your advantage and get out of there. You’ll have to figure out custody.

  2. A women’s shelter will be able to help you leave safely. Please have support to leave to prevent a disaster

  3. We are currently living at my parents house who are on the other side of Australia atm..

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