Over a week ago I found out my boyfriend of 5 years cheated on me and had a baby with the other person. We had a huge fight and because my level of stupidity and love for him was bigger than my common sense I didn’t say anything to the other girl. He said he doesn’t want her to find out because he won’t be able to see the baby. (Which I’m sorry nothing against the child but I don’t really care if he sees her or not) so now the other girl is thinking I AM THE OTHER ONE!!! And it’s pressing him to talk to me and denied he’s got anything to do with me on the phone. Like she wants to call me and I have to say me and him don’t have anything going on and he asked if I would talk to her and denied everything to her…. THE AUDACITY!!!! So now, he won’t break up with me because he is afraid I will call the girl and spill the beans and he can’t break up with her because she won’t let him see the child and fight him for child support…..what would you do?

  1. Girl…the truth shall set YOU free. Why are you helping someone who put themselves in this position. If she calls tell her the truth. He’s really not that great of a person. He hurt both of you and he gets to get away with that?? Please 🙄

  2. Wtf, screw this guy. Throw him under the bus and never look back. Why put up with someone who cheated? Let alone had a damn kid with her and now you’re helping him hide your relationship from the woman he cheated on you with? Wtf?

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