I’ll start:

* Using turn signals even if they’re alone on the road.
* Being aware of the laws of physics, and keeping their distance.
* Keeping up with the flow of traffic. Not slower, but not too fast either.
* They let others merge, but not in expense of stopping the traffic. Like if you see a car trying to merge in your lane, you either switch lanes or slow down.
* Their vehicle is well maintained, has good quality tires and clean interior (even if it’s filthy outside).
* They don’t allow people to smoke/eat/drink from an open container in the car.
* Good knowledge of how to operate their own vehicle, what each switch does, how to turn on/off the lights, adjust the seats and mirrors, etc.

EDIT: Call it what you want, but I do honestly believe that there’s a clear connection between how the car is treated and how good the driver is. From what I noticed filthy, disgusting and half broken car almost 100% guarantees a moron behind its wheel.

  1. They drive as if every other ~~driver~~ road user is drunk, stupid, and distracted with their phones.

  2. They miss their exit sometimes and have to loop back around. Bad drivers never miss their exit.

  3. I think driving is made up of manly these three things..

    Specially awareness

    “Car control”


  4. That would depend on your definition of good driver.

    For on the road. Safe without being too slow, gives plenty of indication of intentions to make them predicable and consistent

  5. Get told often they should have been a get away driver and chauffeur.
    Family members and friends always rush to get into your car and even send their kids to jump in your car if going on trips etc
    They can read the road conditions and drive accordingly and their passengers always feel relaxed.
    Calm collected always in control of their emotions.
    Some history of motorsports track driving so understand physics and have respect.
    Driving instructor in my family I’ve been terrified each time I’ve been in his car he can’t drive.
    Il never allow my kids to go on outings with my sister if she’s driving but if my brother law is going he drives so I allow it cos I trust his driving . I alway ask who’s going haha

  6. Drives at the freakin speed limit unless conditions are adverse. Speed limits are slow enough without c*nts driving 10 under the limit.

  7. The clean car caters to your OCD but I agree with all the other items. It’s science fiction at the moment but you can always pray that driver instruction will catch up some day.

  8. The bit about a “clean interior” seems a bit strange to me. How would I even see how clean another driver’s car interior is? What does that have to do with driving etiquette?

    I would remove that and replace it with “knows that blind spots exist”.

  9. A good driver is aware of what he is doing, not just making a U turn, and following the traffic lights.

  10. Anticipate that every other driver is going to do the stupidest thing possible at any given moment.

    My dad taught me to drive, and on day one he told me ,”When you hit the brake, automatically look in your rear view mirror. ” That one has saved me a couple of times.

  11. A good driver is someone who can juggle three bananas while balancing a rubber chicken on their nose. Just kidding! They should also be safe and responsible, but the banana trick is a must!

  12. None of the above. Just keep it moving. Never use your blinker for changing lanes. That just gives the guy next to you notice to speed up and not let you over. Never do the speed limit. Laws are literally meant to be broken. That’s where half a states funding comes from. Stop holding everyone up in the left lane and fill the gap. And Don’t slow down for slight curves. You’re not gonna flip over because you turned the wheel a half inch. And don’t stop at a red light with enough room to park a school bus in front of you. People are stuck in the intersection behind you.

  13. They are predicable drivers. They let other drivers know their intentions.

  14. Good drivers sometimes miss their exits and bad drivers never miss their exits.

  15. Constantly is anticipating the potential actions of all drivers around him/her, and operates their own vehicle in a manner that is unsurprising and easily anticipated..

  16. Driving in a country like India, there’s a certain “traffic-sense” that’s so helpful.
    It has to do with approximating or predicting how the others can react to the traffic and the route. Here we make really sharp turns and cut lanes all the time, seeing the speed, space and traffic ahead, predicting if a vehicle can cut in front of you and preventing a crash has kept me crash free for 12 years (both car and bike).

  17. my driving instructor from way back when told me that you know you’re a good driver when your passengers fall asleep… naturally ofc

  18. Frankly? They just follow the rules of the road. Some very smart people spent many hours studying the most efficient traffic patterns and optimal way to drive. Not zipping across four lanes because you almost missed your exit, not doing 45 in the left lane while the right lane passes and there’s two miles of cars behind you, etc. It’s just…..really easy to be a good, attentive driver.

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