For those who are in a long-term relationship, what are some deep topics yall talk about at the couch or the dinner table other than “How was your day?”

  1. We discussed the berserker theory the other day so that was fun. But it is mostly just chatting as he works 3 days then 2 days off so it is easier.

  2. World news and international affairs, global and local politics, the psychology behind the politicians,.. usually it’s that stuff.

  3. Literally everything. Our lives, our past, religion, philosophy, the world, the news, occassionally politics but we try to avoid all the negativity. We just talk about everything and even just fun simple topics together.

    As an example, we spent like 3 hours laying on the couch talking about Formula 1 racing, cars, and racing in general and completely lost track of time even though we both had stuff to do lol.

    Other times like the other night, we were talking about a lot of specific stories and experiences from our childhood which always interests me because we had literally completely different upbringings and it’s interesting how our lives diverged together from where we came from.

  4. Scripture, politics, states we’re crossing off the list to relocate to based on those politics, hypothetical situations with our future children and how we’d handle them, zoning for pig ownership.

  5. We talk about our kids, current events, politics, stories from the past, hopes for the future, philosophical topics like language, consciousness, ethics. We have very different vocations–I’m a PhD student in English and he’s a scientist–so we often talk about our respective interests and research projects. We also both have an amateur interest in cosmology and physics, so we read quite a bit and are always sharing ideas and thinking them through with each other.

  6. Whatever’s happening in the news, my daily rant about far-right Republican politicians, worldwide issues, we practice Japanese together in the evenings as we’re relocating there next year, what’s on our minds, any anxieties or things we’re excited about. Sometimes we don’t talk much, we just exist together in the same place and that’s enough.

  7. – politics
    – news & recent events
    – history
    – podcasts
    – health science & medicine
    – knowledge, intelligence & perception
    – culture
    – social media, AI, and tech
    – philosophy
    – psychology
    – cults and religion
    – true crime
    – sports

  8. Board games, TTRPGs, kink, Polyamoury, Dr Who (a lot of Dr Who actually), sci fi in general, mushrooms, trails we’d like to walk, imaginary holidays, mythology, diet plans, how much one of our housemates annoys us, infectious diseases, chickens, all sorts!!! We have very varied hobbies and interests, so we can natter on for days.

  9. Everything.
    Kids, jokes, funny videos we saw. Some funny work related topic, or even frustrated one, when we need to vent.
    We laugh a lot, we call each other out on things.

  10. We often talk about political and social issues, about different models for society, about astrophysics and new scientific theories, archeological findings, news about the war and so on.
    That’s the deep topics.

    For lighter topics, we tend to end up with SciFi, TTRPGs, movies, videogames, my work and so on.

  11. About everything, music, films, books, current events, our family, our dog, our kid, he gossip about people he knows, I do the same… we talk about our feelings, our goals, travels, budgeting, work… we always have things to talk about it

  12. We are both neurodivergend, so our topic can get really unusual really fast. We talk about EVERYTHING. From the weather, family, pets, work, to intimate stuff, conspiracy theories, infesting and so much more. It’s great to have someone one can talk to without worrying about being judged.

  13. Weird or totally insane reddit posts (we’re parents so the available list is long on the AITA posts lol)

    Current political shenanigans the are (tbh) fucking ridiculous, like what toddlers are going on campaign, worse most inhumane bill proposals, etc

    Past personal shenanigans cause we game a lot and like most people “relive the glory days” XD

    We also focus on personal progress and emotional growth.
    We dream together and plan for our future <3

  14. Currently, work. We both have a lot going on in our careers so we unload on each other as soon as we’re together. After that, it’ll progress to current events, reddit stuff, podcasts, etc.

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