If you’re dating someone and when they have their phone out they always set it face down, does this ring any alarm bells for you? Or is there a separate reason someone might do this?

  1. I always throw my phone face down, what do you think it means, honestly I just get it away from me cause at work I’m use to putting it down or I’ll break it 🤣

  2. Can’t say it’s something I’ve ever noticed

    But if it’s done because they want privacy, I see no harm in that. A person’s phone is personal. Considering how our entire lives are on there and are basically an extension of ourselves, I have no problem with my partner wanting to keep that device private

  3. If u can tell it’s deliberate then it’s a bit odd.
    I can see them doing it because they don’t want to be bothered by the phone.

  4. I always put my phone face down. It’s for privacy. It’s also so that my attention is on who I am with. It’s win win. If not seeing someone else’s phone gives you pause, I recommend looking at why.

  5. If I place my phone face down, it’s because I don’t want my various notifications to distract me from the people I’m actually with.

  6. I put it face down so I can focus on the person I’m with.

    People sure are paranoid. :-/

  7. i do this while on dates-


    Not that I am trying to hide anything- I just want to give my date my undivided attention- ringer off, phone face down so even if a message pops up I am not motivated to check who it was from

  8. People do it subconsciously. Go out with any of your friends and they’ll do the same. None of your same gender friends will have it face up.

    Don’t read too much into it.

  9. hahaha, someone is looking for a reason to be worried….are you always negative?

    In the case of the latest iphones cant talk about the andorids the covers for iphones pertrude on the face by .5 approx of a mm, this is for having the face down without scratching…reason is the camera bumps there off centre and phone will rock esepcialy if you like to lay it flat and scroll through….

    I would think you might be running around with an antique phone….

  10. I always set my phone face down. Its mine, its private, nothing suspicious.
    But usually I avoid having my phone out at all if I’m with someone special to me.
    Also I am easily distracted and the notifications would derail my thoughts

  11. I do this so the person I’m with knows I’m enjoying my time with them, and not actually watching or checking my phone on the side. All the notifications I don’t want publicly shared don’t show on my lock screen anyway.

  12. When I do this, I simply don’t want the phone screen to distract me from what I’m doing or who I’m talking to. When I do this, my phone is also usually in no ring and no vibration mode for the exact same reason.

    I could do the same and keep my phone on my pocket, true, and that’s what I do most of the time but sometimes it’s just not comfortable.

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