I’m jealous of the wider varieties that women get with their clothes and items when compared to us men with our tiny little sections in the mall. I understand why though since its just simple supply and demand issue so it is what it is.

  1. I’ll second clothing choices, especially when it comes to work.

    Business casual, it comes down to what color shoes, pants, and button-up shirt can I wear today? Ignore the fact that women can wear “fancy” tank tops and flowy dresses when it’s hot. For us, still pants and if we’re lucky, a short sleeve button-up

  2. Cooler clothing options in the summer while still being appropriate for a workplace with a more formal dress code.

    Walking a mile to work in the NYC heat in long pants and a dress shirt is miserable.

  3. They don’t have to deal with ball sweat. They wanna be cute and go for a hike in 90° weather because it’s a nice sunny day. Yeah, no. That sh*t isn’t fun for me… walking up a damn hill in the heat trying to feel like I have to wring out my underwear after 50 yards with 450 more yards to go before we turn around.

  4. It feels like women’s issues are taken seriously. I’m not saying that they get resolved, but it feels like they’re acknowledged in a serious light. With guy issues, it feels like they’re treated like a joke or inconvenience

    EDIT: To be clear, I’m not saying women’s issues aren’t important. They are important and many times, society does sideline those issues or just gaslights the problems instead of addressing it. With men’s issues, it feels like topics such as mental health is often ignored and waved away. I’m not saying that one beats the other, just that it feels that some men’s issues aren’t addressed or listened to. This isn’t an argument about men’s rights or whatever.

  5. You can just blame the “patriarchy” for every single one of your mistakes. All of them. And most people would celebrate you, maybe because they also believe in that, or because they just want to be socially accepted (clout).

  6. Women can get casual sex with a new partner basically on demand from a dating app.

  7. It seems like making/saving money is a lot easier if you’re a mildly attractive woman

  8. Well I’m not a woman so I can’t say for 100% certain as I have no idea and never will know what living life as a woman is but I’d say the fact that women probably don’t have to deal with people telling them “Stop whining. Men have it harder. Therfore your feelings and issues aren’t as important” like men have to or are told to “Woman up”. I’ve lost count gow many times on this subreddit that when men even simply open up about their issues and feelings.. some assclowns come out of nowhere trying to shame them for talking about it and saying “You do know women have it worse”… yeah. No shit, thats not the topic though so fuck off.


    Man “I’m depressed and in a dark spot and see no way out”

    Person : “You do know women are scared to walk alone at night right? Stop whining. You have it easy”. (Ironically these types of statements are said by people who constantly preach against toxic masculinity).

    See my point. I’m jealous of that.

    I’m not gonna say I’m jealous of women have great friendships with their female friends because I think men have great friendships with their other male friends. Us men (in general) just don’t have to constantly hug and shower out male friends with compliments and words of love. We just know we enjoy each others company and know our male friends care for us. I do see women have amazing special emotional friendships with other women but I don’t think men’s friendships with other men aren’t as great. We just have different ways of showing our love and appreciation to our friends of the same sex

  9. I’m really envious that, for any given women, if she’s horny, she can put in a call to any one of her 3-5 orbiters, and get laid that night.

  10. Women often seem to get preferential treatment. The benefit of the doubt. More attention. Forgiven more readily. Idk, I could be wrong. It also seems like women are trusted more readily, and make friends more easily. They can get into relationships at the drop of a hat. It’s easier for them to dress up and be sexy. Men tend not to be able to dress flamboyantly or such that they stand out

  11. I think there’s more of a pretty girl advantage. But to be fair, it’s the men that allow themselves to be taken advantage of.

    Dudes will bend over backwards for women they have some interest in that derives from their looks.

    Then some of these dudes will act like they’ve been played. Like no dude, she was being nice to you, and you thought she would catch feelings for you if you offered to change her oil and replaced her window motor.

  12. Assumption of innocence and truthfulness. Lesser punishment for the same crimes. Selective service (draft). Victim status. Marraige and child court and rights. Often shielded by criticism by society generally. Mental health, shelter, and child support systems are built around serving women, not men.

  13. As a man, try crying in public whenever you are overwhelmed. See what the reactions he will receive.

  14. My friend once got out of a speeding ticket (90mph in a 65 zone on the highway) with a warning because she squeezed her legs together, wiggled in place a bit, and told the cop she had to pee…

    I can’t help but think that if I, a 6’+ bearded man, tried that, I would get tazed on the spot, or brought into a room at the station to get beaten with an old phone book while my car was towed off.

  15. Women don’t have the cops called on them for taking their kid to the playground

    Women are seen as the sole provider for children. Not once has a Women ever been asked “oh that’s so nice that you’re spending time with your kids. Are you babysitting while dad is resting?”

  16. Looking “helpless” in any situation will attract several saviours promptly and BAM, problem solved

  17. Men don’t have the luxury of not taking accountability for their actions like women do because we have no inherit value

  18. Eh, there is literally nothing a woman can have that I can’t. They wear sexy ladies clothes? I wear sexy ladies clothes. They get a cute boyfriend? I get a cute boyfriend.

  19. Get far lesser sentences and punishment for crime, for example: everytime I see a teacher fuck on of their students, I can’t help but think that a man would probably be doing twice the amount of time if not more.

  20. I’m jealous of them being able to compliment strangers without seeming creepy. Honestly I’m jealous of their ability to not have people automatically assume they’re creeps in general. It seems like women tend to get the benefit of the doubt more when it comes to that.
    I wish I could compliment people without them thinking I’m hitting on them. If someone’s shoes are awesome they deserve to know.

  21. This is a very niche complaint, but I’ve recently been getting into romance books and am frustrated at the sheer lack of ones not geared entirely towards women, complete with stereotypical idolised men (who I tend to dislike). Even romance.io, the romance book search engine, is so biased that there’s no female pov tag, so it’s impossible to exclude female pov books from your searches

  22. I envy that women can take the lessor-than, less stressful, more work/balance career path (or no path at all) without any of the social penalty men face

    A man doing the exact same thing is a lazy, deadbeat freeloader, he would be undatable too

  23. Women can be with a child in public and not be looked at like they kidnapped the kid.

    I get looks and questions from people all the time and it’s annoying as hell. I’ve had people come up to me and ask me if my daughter is mine while shopping.

  24. Men come to a quick stop to let my wife cross the street. I don’t get that courtesy somehow.

  25. Amber Heard got 7 ***MILLION*** dollars just for breaking Johnny Depp’s heart.


  26. The lack of suspicion they draw from strangers.

    Being somewhere you’re not supposed to be, browsing around a store for too long, wearing a tuque/baseball hat and sunglasses, looking disheveled/unkempt, or talking to kids you don’t know are all things that can draw negative attention towards a person regardless of their gender, but the extent to which women are often given the benefit of the doubt or are let off easy for suspicious behaviour like that is mind boggling at times.

  27. Getting attention. Be it for having sex, or finding a partner. There is no women, I know, that struggles with loneliness the way men do.

  28. Society will rush to the aid of women in need, but men are usually left to deal with their own problems.

    If suicide rates by gender were reversed, there would be a national task force and blank check from Congress for funding to try to solve the problem. But since men are the ones committing suicide in large numbers, nobody seems to care.

  29. Let’s see:
    – Cool clothing options men generally are not encouraged to use

    – It’s far easier to get a date as a girl, hell, from what I’ve heard you basically have to sort through all the propositions you get (not saying all of them are of quality, but at least you get propositions without putting in a lot of effort)

    – Easier time getting out from under societal penalties:
    – Flick your eyelids at the officer seductively to Dodge a fine
    – Girls opening their blouses more than usual and get flirty
    with the teacher to get a higher mark (have literally seen
    this firsthand and apparently it works!)
    – The court system hands women lower sentences for the
    same crimes compared to what men would have gotten

    – You guys apparently live long lmao

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