FDR is mostly known in my country Poland for being president during WW2 and Yalta conferation photo. Though very little is unfortunetly about his policies before ww2. I read about New Deal and that during his presidency gov. recognsied USSR. I also checked art sposored by gov at that time [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New\_Deal\_artwork](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Deal_artwork). Have to say its very simillar to Socrealism. ALso probably during him fedderal gov. was the strongest and and controlled much of national economy. US has a stereotype of being very anti etatism economy since forever. What is your opinion about it or what is thought about it modern US?

  1. How do you define “narrative”? I depends entirely on who’s presenting the information and what their motivation is.

    My friends and I don’t sit around talking about social programs from 80 years ago.

  2. FDR is still a polarizing president with opinions often varying based on current political leanings. Personally, I lean conservative, so there’s some inherent bias with my opinion, but I’ll try to be as objective as possible.

    FDR was an outstanding wartime president. One of his greatest achievements is something few people discuss today. That being his fireside chats. With radio being relatively new, FDR went to the airwaves to just talk to the American people. These relaxed conversations allowed FDR to connect with Americans like few presidents before him.

    When it comes to New Deal policies, it’s a toss-up. While the New Deal did restore confidence in the U.S. economic system, it failed to actually translate to sustainable long-term economic success. The policies shifted public opinion regarding the role of the federal government. Most notably, the New Deal propelled the Democratic Party to long-term success through the 1960’s.

    FDR fought adversity in life and became our longest serving president. As a result of FDRs long stay in office the the 22nd Amendment was eventually ratified, limiting future presidents’ time in office.

  3. I’m a massive fan of it; the New Deal is why we have critical programs like food stamps, AFDC/TANF, social security and unemployment. Whether they actually shortened the Depression is debatable; but these programs help spread the wealth around and create a strong middle class from the 50-70s. I hope we get a New New Deal soon because of all the positive effects resulting from the first one

  4. Can’t say I’m a fan of a wannabe fascist that used state power to put minorities into camps regardless of the supposed benefits of his economic policies.

  5. Generally positive but I don’t think we speak enough about how all the amazing programs people remember him for, few if any made their way to black people and redlining was something that he often forced developers to codify. So you know not great

  6. Depends on who you ask.

    I am of the opinion that the new deal lengthened the great depression. I think FDR was not a good president.

  7. FDR is generally viewed as one of the greatest presidents in US history. It’s actually pretty bipartisan, He’s kind of the last Democrat to have bipartisan support (well perhaps JFK.)

  8. Really isn’t much narrative proper, but the past 40 or so years is overturning all the laws and regulations and ideas from that era to return to something from before.

  9. He’s extremely whitewashed, his policy of imprisoning thousands of American citizens purely on the basis of ethnicity is ignored.

  10. Conservatives and libertarians see him as a bad guy who made the Great Depression worse (the double dip)… also was buddy buddy with Stalin.

    Center left sees him as a hero that saved capitalism and ended the Great Depression.

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