I met this guy and went on a basically two day long date when I was at the beach for the Fourth of July. It was the best date lve ever been on. We connected right away and the conversation was amazing. Since he lives at the beach, he took me walking by the riverside after dinner, then to the beach at night where we played music, danced, and listened to the fireworks. We were inseparable that night, hugging and kissing continually. He told me how much he liked me and was nothing but smiles the whole time. The next day we hung out again after he got back from being with his friends. He took me to dinner at a beautiful restaurant. I was supposed to leave that evening to go back home but he wanted me to stay another night and so I did. When I was there, he mentioned coming to see me and that the two hour distance between each other wasn’t a big deal. I left feeling good about us continuing to get to know each other since we really hit it off.

The last couple days though have given me an off feeling and I don’t know if my anxiety from my last relationships is causing me to freak or not. I got back and texted him I made it home. He responded saying glad that I made it back. I called him later that evening after he was off work and he texted back saying he’d woke up from a three hour nap, got something to eat real quick and just got back, but asked how my day was. I thought it was a little weird he didn’t call me back but I knew he had a long weekend so I didn’t think much of it and responded to his text. Yesterday I texted him in the morning and didn’t hear from him all day until I called him last night. He responded back later that night saying he was in a zoom meeting for his Bible study but that he would call back if it wasn’t too late. He never called or texted.

I know this isn’t a lot but I’m so used to guys acting like they like me so much but really they’re in the process of trying to ghost me and have no intentions of continuing things with me. They will literally lie in my face and I can’t help but feel anxious if something seems remotely close to that pattern.

1 comment
  1. He’s either too busy for a relationship or he’s not interested

    I say give it a few more days and feel it out… then you can try voicing your concerns or even just tell him you don’t see this working long term

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