I (21 M) recently connected with a new girl (23 F). She’s great and we have great chemistry together, I really see this situation as having potential. There’s just one issue, she’s very much not over her ex.

They just broke up a few months ago (he ended it with her) but she still calls him her very best friend and told me that he’s the most important person in her life. In short it’s obvious she very much still has feelings for him. There doesn’t seem to be any healthy boundaries, either. She likes knitting as a hobby and she regularly makes him clothes still, they talk and text every day, often meet up in person, and she told me she tells him everything (including, I would assume, every detail of our relationship if we were to date). I’m just worried I’ll be dating both of them instead of just her.

I really like this girl, but I think that she isn’t ready for a new relationship with me. How do I tell her I like her but don’t see this working without hurting her feelings?

  1. Maybe she doesn’t see what you see and you should do what she should’ve have done when she met you. Walk away!

  2. You’ll never be able to guarantee that you won’t hurt someone’s feelings. Just gently let her know that you don’t think it’s going to work out. You don’t really have to explain why – you aren’t even dating yet, it sounds like. If she pushes, tell her that you don’t want to tell her who she can and can’t spend time with, but you’re not going to be comfortable with her closeness with her ex. You’re right – she’s not over him, and it’s very clear.

  3. Get out. Run. She ain’t over him. Don’t even chase women, just focus on you and make money. Start working out too. The women will come automatically. You’ll never lose women chasing money but you’ll lose money chasing women.

  4. You should tell her exactly that for obvious reasons , ain’t no way to sugar coat that.

  5. Just ghost her, she will think about you. Meanwhile work on yourself go to the gym achieve your goals and be more kind of a flirtatious a**hole with women. There are so many women dont let yourself get hurt over one + it doesn’t matter if you hurt her because in the end its only you that matters. Be a man 👑

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