What makes you glad you’re a woman?

  1. Being easily underestimated is a strength. Multiple orgasms. I can show my feelings and not be judged for it.

  2. Everything

    I’ve been able to get out of so many jams in life purely because I’m a woman, fake crying came in handy sooooo much growing up lol

  3. Wow not much! The one thing I can think of is the freedom we have with hair, makeup, clothes, nails etc. It’s socially acceptable for us to be much freer with our physical appearance than men can. We can wear ‘men’s’ or ‘women’s’ clothes without it being unusual.

    I guess another thing is that it’s much more socially acceptable for us to engage in self care, buy skin care products, go to day spas, take bubble baths, that sort of thing. I love all that stuff so much but if I was a guy I would feel weird about it.

  4. Being taken seriously when I express my feelings, freedom of glamming up (wearing makeup, heels, nails), ability to connect deeply with other women

  5. The aesthetic and being able to cry freely without societal judgement. That’s pretty much it.

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