For context, I broke my foot the other day. I am limping around in a boot for 6 weeks.

I spend a lot of time at the gym, have a decently good physique. Today was my first day back at the gym, and I noticed so many girls checking me out. Waaay more than usual. Like direct eye contact, and smiling (I know what a flirty smile looks like).

I have a crush at the front desk and we’ve never talked but always smile at each other. Today she struck a conversation with me about my injury and also flagged me down on the way out to talk to me.

Are people just being nice cause I’m hurt or is there something else going on? Like maybe it’s less intimidated to approve a man who’s inured?

  1. Believe me, I wish this was the case that women were attracted to injured guys. I’m an above knee amputee and women seem to only talk to me because they are intrigued. It’s got nothing to do with them being attracted to me lol.

  2. Your injury might be an ice breaker for these ladies – something to chat to you about.

  3. It’s a mothering instinct. I’ve been wearing a sling for years at the gym…

  4. My man is about to fake a broken foot for about 3 years.

    “This dang thing won’t heal!”

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