It’s my day off today and I have a lot of time on my hands right now. This has always been a question I have been pondering for a while and would like to know your thoughts.

On what basis would you say that you as a man, is emotionally strong?

  1. Able to be vulnerable, uses responsible speech, can apologise, willing to speak frankly, able to recognise and assert internal and external boundaries.

  2. He rolls with life’s punches. He doesn’t fly off the handle when things go wrong. He doesn’t take out his frustration on people or animals. He has healthy outlets to process his emotions, like exercise or hobbies

  3. I deal with my emotions and do not bother others with them; they are my emotions and totally my responsibility to work them out.

  4. When he has emotions, recognizes them as what they are, without misunderstanding them as absolute commands for specific actions and can take them more as “his past commenting on the present”.
    Especially if you want to change your life in the future in some way, it will be necessary to leave things of the past there in the past, so emotions can not rule you, they are however a valuable source of information that cannot be ignored either.

    Finding that balance is what I would call emotional strength.

  5. You wouldn’t really know until they are in a crisis and how they handle it.

    You could do some scenario playing and ask them what would they do if x were to occur.

  6. Clarity and composure in a high stress situation where the right decision needs to be made.

    Beware don’t try and “engineer” a situation where you need to know. Men see through this.

    I’d advise to go travelling with him, see how he reacts when he is tired, hungry AND stressed, how he deals with YOUR hunger, tiredness and stress or his ability to avoid these situations that are common when travelling.

  7. He goes from “fuck it we ball” to “it is what it is” back to “fuck it we ball.”

  8. He’s composed and determined even in uncertainty. Being man doesn’t mean being a stoic to your emotions or being closed off.

    A man articulates his thoughts, say what he’s feeling, feels his emotions, the weight of his thoughts and when he’s done, keep on moving forward.

  9. He’s anti fragile. I’ll explain.

    “Fragile” means breaks down easily, like a fine china plate or a French car 🙂

    Most think that an opposite to fragile is robust – is durable, can take a beating, can withstand tough situations. However, robust things have their limits, too, before they break.

    But there’s a third condition – “anti fragile”, which means they can learn from a tough situation, and use the lessons learned to become stronger. Like a well trained muscle or a brain that’s constantly used to solve problems.

    So an emotionally strong man is anti fragile – he learns from hardships and grows stronger.

  10. * A man that doesn’t think “if some specific person wouldn’t exist he wouldn’t be nothing”.
    He appreciates and even look for constructive criticism. How else are you going to get better if you never allow yourself to be challenged with other ideas?
    * He doesn’t take himself too serious. Meaning, he already own his flaws, and is working on the things he actually can change. He is able to make fun of himself. If someone tries to hurt him with some comment…too late, he already got through that mentally, so he adds to the jokes or just laugh about it, instead of thinking “that’s a topic you can not make jokes about”.
    * He doesn’t keeps crying about the past. He uses that for learning experience.
    * He is capable of persuading and or change the mind of other based on good arguments, not try to impose his will based on “because I said so”.
    * He knows how and to whom he directs his complaints.
    * He doesn’t let himself go on pleasures. He takes care of his body

  11. Homie shouldn’t be having any big emotional outbursts if he is emotionally strong. (Exceptions being extreme loss or something of that nature)

  12. I will tell you what doesn’t make a man emotionally strong. This happens to me right now after a break up (4 month s ago)I was a strong mother fier. I wanted life to retire punches at me. Then comes the break up. One word from her and my inner emotions came out (I tried was the word)

    I feel like a 16-17;year old child right at the peak of my emotions and testosterone.

    I get into fights easily, even if you look at me the wrong way

    I throw punches

    I masturbate a lot just because (something that didn’t happen before)

    I cry

    I think of the worst scenarios in my mind

    I don’t find solutions for my problems but problems for my solutions.

    I don’t even know how this happened. I was never like this and it’s messing with my mind.

  13. I can say that a man is emotionally strong when he doesn’t give up easily to problems.

  14. Because he doesn’t cry like a bitch, he’s not scared to answer a doorbell and he knows that therapy is for joint injuries.

  15. He takes all the shit the world gives him, gets up and goes to work. All with little to zero support network.

  16. A “fvck it, it is what it is. Nun I can do to change the past” mentality.

  17. Oh, emotional strength? Easy, when a man can watch a rom-com without crying, that’s emotional strength right there!

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