Why do Americans drink coffee with almost EVERY meal?

  1. We don’t. I know nobody who does this. It’s generally just breakfast, and *sometimes* after dinner with a small dessert or snack.

  2. I am both curious and intrigued as to how you came upon such an incorrect conclusion, OP.

  3. I’m 45 and have lived all over the country. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone order or make coffee at dinner and the only time I’ve seen it after dinner would be at a high end restaurant.

  4. Do you mean hot coffee or are you including all drinks that have coffee in it? I’m actually Latino and coffee at all hours of the day and with every meal is more our thing but Generally a lot of Americans drink drinks with coffee in them but a hot cup is seen as a different thing than iced coffee.

  5. I do

    Coffee in the morning.. iced coffee at lunch.. and an after dinner coffee.

    I don’t necessarily think this is normal though no one ever questions me on my drink choices during meals

  6. I don’t drink coffee at all and I rarely see anyone I know drinking coffee with a meal other than breakfast.

    Weird take.

  7. We don’t.

    Most people just have it with breakfast. Some folks may get a coffee later in the day but it’s not usually with a meal.

  8. We don’t? Some people drink it every morning.

    And sometimes when we’re having a big 3 course family meal (usually at holidays) we might have coffee with our desert, but most of the time people who drink coffee just have it with breakfast

  9. My grandparents who were in there 90s who died in the past 10 years or so drank coffee at meals other than breakfast.

    Everyone else I know its either at breakfast time or not at a meal time.

  10. Coffee is fairly common in the morning but absolutely not common to drink with dinner

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