What part of your body are you most self conscious about?

  1. I’m not self conscious or insecure about any part of my body. The things that I can fix I’ve done the work to correct them. Parts of my body that are immutable, I’ve accepted them as a part of me. Since I love myself, I love what can be considered my weak points too. No reason to stress about things you can’t change. Other issues though it’s good to be insecure. Time for you to put in some work and make a change!

  2. My hands. I am a larger than average man but my hands are perfectly average in size. The effect is of having small hands.

  3. My arms. I feel like a pussy ass boy and inferior to other men. I’m turning 19 and even girls have bigger arms. I worked out for 2 years and nothing worked due to my own fault. I can’t afford to have a good diet because my parents are unsupportive so no matter what I do it’ll never grow. I honestly feel like a feminine bitch and I hate myself

  4. My brain. It never stops reminding me that I exist, no matter how much I try to fix that.

  5. My face. I’m always worried women find me unattractive even though I gave heard differently

  6. My moobs. I’ve lost 50 lbs (240 to 190) but they are still perky as ever.

  7. Just being skinny so guess my metabolism/genetics. Starting to slowly realize I gotta do my own workouts, stay off Insta, etc. Not compare myself to other guys

  8. My chest. I’m a wiry guy but I’ve been able to at least get definition everywhere else but no matter how much i work it i just can’t get pecs

  9. All of it. Mostly because I know I can do so much better to improve or be better, but I just don’t have the drive to.

  10. Well, today I had somebody point out that my nose is an alarming shade of red so…my big, red, strawberry-looking nose.

  11. My receding hairline and balding.

    Hence why I try to have a shaved head (Shane Walsh Walking Dead Season 2 style) at all times

  12. The entire thing, but since you asked for specifics, I’d say my lack of height. I’m 5’6″ on a good day. I’d give just about anything to be 8 inches taller.

  13. My stomach. I used to be ripped but an appendectomy and back-to-back hernia surgeries left me with several 1-2 inch long scars along with a shitload of light-duty recovery time. I put on 20lb right on my stomach. Got back in the gym and hurt my shoulder. Now I need shoulder surgery. Self-conscious doesn’t describe it, I feel disgusted at my reflection and am depressed.

  14. My stretch marks. They wrap around my upper arm all the way down to my elbows, they’re on my lower back and my sides, my pecs and some are on my knees.

  15. Definitely NOT my penis? Right?

    Totally normal…. Not small, or misshapen, or otherwise strange-looking in any way, right?

    OK, sure, it’s not a “massive hog” like those porno guys, but those guys are complete freaks of nature, right? Nobody’s THAT big in real life, right? Women definitely don’t EXPECT that size, right?

    I mean, no complaints, right? But, women don’t want to insult their partner, right? They weren’t just lying to me this whole time, right? They said it was “just fine”, that’s good, right??!!?!

    Yeah, totally NOT self conscious about my penis!! PLEASE BELIEVE ME?!!!!

  16. Well my height but I guess that’s not ‘part’ of my body lol, it just is my body

  17. My arms. I’m 27 years old and built like a palm tree. I have a fast metabolism so I can eat like an actual swine and not gain much if anything. I sort of preemptively accepted it long ago, but it doesn’t make it any less demeaning that my arms are thinner than a pringles can (hyperbole).

  18. My hip dips. I have natural hip dips, but my mom never made sure I was wearing pants that fit correctly and I wore hip huggers until my 20’s. I now have permanent tissue damage that creates a muffin top on the sides no matter how much weight I lose. It’s an extra deep indent.

  19. Love handles.

    I lost 25kg just so I could lose them, only to lose my butt in the process.

    Later on I figured out my hip bones are high, meaning that even if I do lose all the fat there, my love handles will still be visible.

  20. It used to be my hips. I’ve always been told I had ‘child bearing hips’ at school while being bullied and it made me really self conscious. My current partner loves them and he helped me make me feel more at ease with them

  21. My face, I have these big bags under my eyes from long hours of working at a computer. Haven’t really been able to get rid of them. (my mom says they might be hereditary). But I am very conscious of them because I feel they make me look 10 years older.

  22. My ugly, bald head. Every other part of my body is not bad – I work out 5 days a week and I’m in far better shape than most other 49 year olds. But being bald is not something I would wish on anyone and sucks majorly.

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