I’m socially anxious and awkard.

Yesterday at night I was playing a boardgame with acquaintances and accidentally spilled an acquaintance’s drink (coke or some soda) over her phone (which got very wet, she even had to remove the case to clean it, so I think it might have liquid damage) and over the brand new boardgame which was is also hers. Another person’s phone also got wet, but his just a little on the screen which took just a second to clean so most likely not enough to get liquid damage

At the moment I didn’t know how to react because I was little in shock, so I think I didn’t even appologize and helped very little with the cleaning. I think I was too busy feeling ashamed of how clumpsy I had been.

A little after we left, I sent a text to her offering to buy a new phone if hers had been damaged and offering to replace the boardgame; she told me the phone was working fine but that the game had gotten a little damaged. So when I got home I bought a new game in Amazon to replace the one I damaged but I’m worried she didn’t check properly for liquid damage as she probably doesn’t know about it and thinks that if it works fine then there’s no problem.

Today I sent a message apologizing (as I noticed I hadn’t done so already) and saying her that I want to make it right if I broke something and hinting that she should really check for water damage along with an article on how to check, but I don’t want to appear too demanding. She hasn’t answered, apparently she hasn’t checked her phone. I’m worried she might be saying it’s ok when it’s not, not asking me to replace it out of shyness (though she isn’t particularly shy).

I lack the necessary social skills to know how how to proceed. I feel ashamed for spilling the drink, for not reacting faster when it was spilt, for not offering immediately to buy replacements for the game and phone and for being so insistent that she checks for water damage.

What do I do to prevent the situation from getting awkward?

EDIT: Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate it!


  1. I wouldn’t buy a new phone. She said it was fine. If she says later on its water damaged or whatever, then speak to her atthat point, but now I’d just leave it. Also, don’t beat yourself up for spilling a drink. Accidents happen, move on.

  2. You’re overreacting to an extent she may take it as you having ulterior motives. I’m not saying you do!!! It can come off that way though, since she’s already said It’s fine. So why the insistence to buy her a new phone unless you’re trying to get in her pants.

    Relax. It’s ok. Yes, you’re overstepping but no harm no foul, just leave it be now.

  3. You have now apologized, so you have done what emotional repair you can. It sounds anyone could see this was an accident and all is well.

    I’d leave it alone for now. If you happen to see her in the next few months, you could tell her you meant your offer to repair or replace, but don’t keep pushing.

    The general “rule” is that you offer twice. The person might refuse your first offer out of politeness, but they will take your second offer if its important to them.

    Next time try to apologize immediately to show you care, even if you’re embarrassed. But you know that now!

  4. I think you shouldn’t. I understand the urge to right your wrong and the guilt eating you alive, but even if it is a little damaged it’s more important to heed to the owner of the said phone. Let her be generous because imagine if the roles were reversed and the person already got you a new game, (which you probably already feel a little guilty for, but you could see how bad they felt about it) tries to replace your functioning phone too. It’ll just make her feel worse. If you’re thinking of the other person, I would hold back.

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