I’ve noticed manipulative and other toxic behaviour from a friend of a few months. I don’t want to be her friend anymore, she isn’t a nice person. She is jealous and trying to cause drama to ruin my relationship.

I know the simple answer is “cut her off”, but how?

I know she’s been cut off by others before and when they blocked her and she went as far as finding their business website and emailing them to shame them for blocking her.

She also knows where I live and I may bump into her. I absolutely hate confrontation and I have no idea how to handle this, tbh I’m a bit scared of what she’ll do when she realises I don’t want to talk to her anymore.

  1. Just stop talking to them and inviting them out. Find other friends or pick up other hobbies

  2. You may have to do the brave thing and tell this person you don’t like their behavior and you don’t like how they treat people. Don’t let this person cause you that kind of anxiety. It sounds scary, but the more you stand up for yourself the stronger you’ll be. Use this as practice say no!

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