just looking to spruce up things between my fiancé and i. i work until late at night and the other day he surprised me with flowers, my favorite snack, a new car air freshener because mine broke, and my favorite wine! the following day, i bought him a pair of swim trunks for our beach date later this week.

i feel like we do a lot of “gifts”, spending money on each other. what’s a good act of love that always makes you or your spouse feel cared for?

  1. Just a post-it note left somewhere for me/us to find with a loving message does the trick.

  2. He wrote me a little love note on our kitchen white board. It was little but it made my day lol

    He also just tells me he appreciates me, via text and in person all the time.

    He asked me out on a date which always makes me feel good lol. I love hearing “I want to spend time with you, I miss you, let’s go on a date”. It makes me feel so special

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