I see so many posts here and other subs about ‘faking it’ just for the sake of putting oneself out there.

Here’s something they don’t mention: people aren’t dumb. Others can sense whether or not you want to be there by a mile away. So even if you are good at fooling people that you’re “having fun”, it will eventually catch up to you.

Yeah, I get that others have no choice and need to put themselves out there to connect with others. However, you can only go so far by pretending to have fun. We shouldn’t knock it till we try it. We should, however, also be honest with ourselves if we’re really having a good time. Otherwise,…

**Leave when you want to**. Don’t feel burdened to stay just for the sake of “being out there”.

*Just an introverted homebody’s thoughts after a decade of trying to be more “outgoing”.*

1 comment
  1. Some people will never feel it when you don’t want to be around them and will even be fully convinced that you’re having fun just because they’re having fun. I literally had a situation where I was totally bored and the guy I was with was like “Dude, look at how much fun we’re having and you still don’t want to hang out more often!”. Yeah… Right.

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