You run into a man who claims to be you from the future. What questions do you ask?

  1. Who are the winners from every Super Bowl and World Series and by how many points? Who are the winners from every Kentucky derby? Which stock/crypto/etc has absolutely skyrocketed?

  2. Well, I see life ain’t going so well if you decided to come back for a do over.

  3. What pocket is the coin in?

    Long ago I made a plan to bring a coin with me if I discovered time travel. I’d give the coin to my past self and make sure past me puts it in a different pocket.

    Now if I get the coin from future me, he must have gotten it from an infinite series of future mes. The coin is theoretically infinitely old

  4. “February 18, 2022. Mission status?”

    If he gets it wrong, I’ll have to kill him. If he gets it right, I’ll have to kill him.

  5. What’s the secret password?

    Future me would know this because I already thought of this scenario and I have a secret phrase they would have to know to be me from the future.

  6. 1. Can I make you a coffee or tea or something?
    2. So how’d you go about travelling through time?
    3. Why’d you come to this time specifically?
    4. How long are you planning to stay?
    5. Anything I should do to be better prepared for the future?

    I mean right now I have an infant and a toddler, I’m sure in like 15 years I’ll be wishing I could come back and just hang out with them as babies again, so I get it it, future-me.

  7. If I’m still waiting for my wife to be « ready ». If yes, I will beat my future self.

  8. Are you still single?
    Did GRRM ever finish Game of Thrones?

    Can I borrow your time machine?

  9. Future me knows to give past me the winning lotto numbers. I won’t even have to ask.

  10. Firstly a secret question to prove authenticity or mind reading. Then: How far into the future are you from? Do they figure out a cure for our migraines? Is my current gf the right one? Is there anything I should avoid at all costs? What’s your investing advice?

  11. oh boy, get ready.

    hey man… well, you’re handsome so that gives me some hope lol. anyway, did we succeed in the medical career you chose? because im fucking struggling. did you switch to something else? did you change houses? are you still living in the same country or did you leave and living abroad? are you still a great author? did you publish anything? did you try anything in the directing industry? do you know how to drive properly now? still feeling sad that life is moving too fast and you’re missing out on so many stuff? did anything exciting happen in your late 20s and 30s? do you have a decent life? married? single? because you swore you’re never marrying anyone haha! still having a close relationship with your family? do you have any close, great trustworthy friends? *whispers* are you rich too? still a virgin or did we… you know. do you still get turned on frequently…?

    all of these are maybe dumb questions for you but certainly arent for me. so many questions be running around in my head and i know i need to find a solution for this. in the meantime, i’ll try my best to survive.

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