Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Mediterraneanitos and -itas, how are you able to spend a significant amount of time outside (or even inside) in the heat of the summer and still look perfect? All it takes for me is 10 minutes in mild 25+ heat and I come out looking like someone’s poured a [giant bucket of water over my head](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/sweat-sweating-sweaty-airplane-ted-striker-gif-4372615), accompanied by a requisite skull-shaped sweat patch on my chest. It’s so embarrassing and I know it’s going to lead to a lot of “Gone swimming?” jokes over the next few months, but outside of covering my entire head and torso with anti-perspirant or just permanently being blasted with AC, I’m not entirely sure what to do about it.

  2. A week or so ago I saw a thread where all the flairs were replaced by funny nicknames, slightly self-deprecating humour. It was about pizza. Is there anyone about who can tell me a bit more about it? It was so funny but those flairs are not available that I can see. Maybe it was an automatic-one-rime-only thing?

  3. Cooler day in Batumi, but warm enough for a swim this morning.

    Now about to have khinkali for lunch,one of my favourites here!

  4. Today my brother and I went to a different beach, aber 20 km away. Huh.

    Ten years ago, it used to be a beautiful place. Seven km of pure sand beach, crystal clear sea, little gift shops and restaurants… Now, it’s completely full of beach clubs with banging loud music, litter, and everything is super expensive. The sea is beautiful, but after swimming we got a few things done and came back. Another beautiful resort sacrificed to the greed of the assholes who are resident there.

    On the way there, we saw sea salt farms full of flamingos, and the okra and sunflower fields are in full bloom. That was very pretty.

  5. I went to an Ikea for the first time in years today, and Jesus Christ those places are built like labyrinths, I had forgotten. Behind every corner I expected to see a half-bull-half-man creature ready to fight to the death, but instead it was just yet another space full of sofa sets and kitchen tables. It’s honestly kinda anxiety inducing.

    But I am now convinced that one of my goals in life should definitely be to own a massive hedge maze. I’m envisioning it at the front of my property, where you must walk through the maze to get to my front door. Imagine getting home late at night a little drunk and every time you wander in a maze for a while, wondering if you’re still actually in the maze or if you have entered some kind of purgatory state where you’re doomed to search for an exit that isn’t there. I think that would be fun and exciting. I remember getting that feeling in the Gotthard road tunnel in Switzerland once. It’s like 17 km long, and you literally don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. Once you start thinking about the possibility that the tunnel might never end it becomes a very spooky place.

    Anyway, I bought new sunglasses a week ago, and it has taken some time to get used to them as the frames are way thicker than my old ones. Not used to seeing a lot of think frame in my peripheral vision. But they look very good and my eyes feel relaxed.

  6. Random news today: Erdogan says that he wants the EU to open EU accession talks in exchange for letting Sweden join NATO…Whhaaaaa, thought he hated the EU. Not that Turkey will get in for decades.

  7. The Dutch prime minister announced today he will leave politics after the coming elections, which I don’t think anyone really expected. I was already mentally preparing for Rutte’s 5th government, but now it feels like the elections can go in all sorts of ways.

  8. Daily Chatters, what is your summer album? The one you’ll listen to while you’re relaxing on your vacation, or having a summer roadtrip, or while you’re having a bbq with friends.

    Mine is [Visperas de Carnaval](https://open.spotify.com/album/4vIw5XspQuPt04VHX5oK5W?si=hpLq7R9VStKxs3qTEOdoIQ), by Argentinian group La Mosca Tsé-Tsé. I don’t know what it is about this album, but as soon as the sun starts to pop out this starts playing in my head.

    What’s yours?

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