For those of you who love to talk, what do you talk about with other women and how do you not run out of topics?

  1. We talk about tv shows, songs/music, activities we wanna plan, people we know (like what is so and so doing these days), politics (endless topics here), cooking and recipes, sometimes we discuss deeper stuff like religion and philosophy, gardening/decorating, our/their children, work stuff, skincare, we talk about our hobbies, dating/marriage, finances and the economy, we vent about our stress (and we talk about how therapy is going), our physical health (both fitness and venting about chronic illnesses), we share our favorite bars and restaurants, we talk about vacations we’ve gone on, climate change, the future of AI, video games we like. There are endless things to talk about!

  2. I literally just had a nearly 7-hour hangout with a good friend at our favorite casual restaurant, and there was basically no gap in the conversation. We must have talked about everything under the sun, including: jobs, relationships, life drama, crazy people, TV, movies, streaming services, celebs, books, politics, cooking, memes, civil rights, science, and the list goes on. We don’t run out of things to talk about because once we follow a ton of tangents in our conversations (but always finish one conversation before we fully segue into another). Talking to her never gets boring.

  3. It depends on the situation. For example, is this a stranger you happen to sit next to at the beach? If so, ask them if they’ve been here before and if so, what recommendations do they have for restaurants nearby/things to do, etc. If you’re talking about keeping the conversation going at a mutual friend’s party, ask them how they got to know so-and-so and let them do the talking. People are more likely to remember you when you give them a chance to speak and it also lets you gauge their personality. In general, it helps to ask open ended questions such as “if you can go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?” or “what is one food you will never get sick of?”

  4. There are SO many topics and things to talk about, so it’s not hard to run out of things. I generally just hone in on their interests and go from there.

    I actually met the coolest girl ever while I was karaokeing the other night. She’s a kindred spirit and we hit it off immediately.

    She’s a highly empathetic person, and she lost her mother too so we connected immediately on that (my boyfriend lost his mom too so we’re starting a dead mom’s club 😆😆)

    I’ve already been rock hunting down by the river with her, and plan on going to karaoke with her tomorrow (she hosts on Tuesdays and wants me to hypeman for her)

    We also talked about astrology, and tarot cards… Oh oh! And fashion (she was wearing fishnets when I first met her and I’m obsessed with those so she gave me the app that she orders hers from)

    Anyways! It’s not hard to meet and make new friends as long as you’re open minded, kind and keep the conversation interesting!

    Never be afraid to talk to strangers, because you might end up meeting someone amazing and making a life long friend.

  5. i love talking about those “girly” things: makeup, Boys, clothes yk

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