I want to try making friends at my workplace, but I’ve been there for about 5 years and everyone already knows me as a quiet person. I don’t know how to get out of my comfort zone and start talking to people without feeling weird about it. My coworkers have known my name and face for years, but we don’t know anything about each other. I feel like it would be too weird for me to start talking to them all of a sudden. I feel like I’m stuck in this quiet character unless I get a different job. Should I just accept that they might think it’s weird and do it anyways?

Same thing applies to college: I went through classes last year and felt really regretful for not getting to know anyone right away or making any friends. By the time I realized I wanted to talk to people in class, it was already late in the semester and everyone already had their groups.

  1. Start slow and easy. Talk to one person first, then another, then a 3rd person, and so on. Just because you’re quiet, doesn’t mean you can’t speak when you want to.

  2. ” I don’t know how to get out of my comfort zone and start talking to people without feeling weird about it. ”

    Sorry to burst your bubble but you will 100% feel weird and uncomfortable AT FIRST, you are literally leaving your comfort zone as you stated. But you have to face it, in order to get to a place youve never been, you have to do something youve never done. Which means failure and awkwardness. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Sooner or later an obstacle as high as the roof youve never climbed will become the floor that you walk on everyday. The first day will be tough, the second day will be slightly less tough, the third less than the second. It gets easier everyday, BUT you have to do it everyday.

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