Waddup Reddit, looking to find some new hobbies and wondered if you guys had any fun, different things I could consider.

  1. I’m a crazy cat man, I have 5 cats, so taking care of them, playing with then and loving them is kind of a hobby. It’s very therapeutic. Otherwise my other hobby is pretty standard playing videogames.

  2. Sailing. It’s not really “not normal,” but it’s not too common either.

  3. I collect cactus. There’s some pretty gnarly looking ones out there and it spruces up the house a bit to have some green around.

  4. I started growing magic mushrooms a few years ago and it’s great…now I grow all types of mushrooms, food, meds, trips…it’s pretty cool…bout 600$ start up but it’s worth everything I spent

  5. I wouldn’t call it abnormal but it is rare. I build my own suppressors. I enjoy fluid dynamics and the physics of sound suppression. You have to get approval from the ATF and it’s expensive but I like it.

  6. I guess it would be that I’m a Raider (As in World of Warcraft classic). I cut out a big portion of my social group last year and my guild filled that emotional void. People may think it’s dumb but I really look forward to the camaraderie and fun that we have every weekend, even if we’re farming the same bosses over and over.

  7. I paint mini figures (like for d&d and Star Wars).

    Also, I like to restore and modify vintage game consoles.

    Also I write fiction.

    Also tabletop and video games.

    I have a pretty healthy work/life balance.

  8. Domestic poultry. I had to scale back, but I’ve had chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowl.

  9. You can purchase electronics kits online that teach you electronics step by step and they’re not that much. Gets into some pretty cool stuff as you go.

  10. Running my business “Not Normal Exotics” or doing my YouTube show “The Not Normal Show”. Which one not normal enough for ya.

    Lol go watch my podcast

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