When it comes to talking to girls I have no confidence. I have been on many trips and most of them some girls my age have came up to me and tried to talk to me but I am always so nervous to talk to them because I don’t have alot of experience talking to girls. One time for example 2 girls walked up to me while I was camping and they said I looked lonley because I was sitting at a picnic table alone and asked me to walk with them as we were walking they kept talking to me and I was trying my best to talk back and I did somewhat of a good job and they kept getting closer to me to the point I was squished in between them. And when that happened they asked if I want to have a threesome and I said I don’t care for some stupid reason so they asked a second time and I was like idk I have never had sex before so I don’t know what it’s like. They said that they would do it with me if I said yes so I did. They walked me back to there campground and introduced me to there parents then brought me into there tent and as they started getting undressed some older guys walked up and came into the tent and told me to get out so I did and they closed the tent and then I started to hear clapping so I knew they were fucking. So I walked back to the picnic table and another group of girls stopped me this time like 12 of them and told me to walk with them but I w as so nervous I barley said anything so they just walked away. What can I do to improve my confidence? Can anyone help me?

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