I have been doing this CS hybrid internship at a large company’s HQ for a month in and haven’t met with other interns mainly because I don’t want to go out with any interns after work. I wanted to maintain a rather neutral demeanor rather than boring but obviously that didn’t work.

First week was fully remote and I didn’t make any effort to go to the events in-person and lunch meetups even though I live close by due to laziness and social anxiety. Starting the conversation is what bothers me but I can hold the convo pretty well after starting.

I am the only intern in my team so I have good rapport with my older co-workers and manager.
Each team has one intern and there are 3 other teams near me with 2 guys and one girl.
They all know each other but aren’t super close.

There’s little chance my co-workers/mentors will give any negative feedback as I chat and deliver on time. My manager probably seen that I’m a bit non-social in-person but he’s not extroverted either.

I came across the girl intern a few times walking past me looking at me and I also noticed her staring at me while I was being all talkative with my older co-workers after a meeting and also made eye contacts on other occasions.
I feel bad for her and the others and want to fix it next week before it’s too late.

I am thinking next week go up to her desk and the other 2 guys and introduce myself by:

“Hi [Name]! I wanted to introduce myself without being awkward but that wasn’t possible so here I am. I am [My name] and …”

So what’s your advice?

  1. Next time you see someone that you haven’t introduced yourself to simply smile, walk over to them and say “Hi I don’t believe we’ve officially met, I’m X what’s your name? Nice to meet you etc” then just ask some standard questions like “so how long have you worked here?” “How are you finding things so far?” Just a bit of light chit chat to establish a rapport and go from there. Best of luck

  2. and for some actual advice, don’t use the word awkward. just say hi, we haven’t met, etc. act like it’s fine and normal and everyone else will assume it is. i promise.

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