Do you actively call people out for using “b*tch” as a slur, if so, why? If you don’t, why?

  1. No, I’ve never considered it a “slur.” I don’t tolerate people name calling me anything though. So if I were to be called a b—-h then I would tell them I’m not okay with that/to stop. But it’s not a slur.

  2. It’s not a slur. If it’s used as part of a slang vernacular (“Bitch, please”, etc.), that’s fine. If someone calls me a bitch as an insult, I will tell them about themselves.

  3. No. I don’t remember the last time I heard someone use it as an insult. And I don’t personally mind when people use it as a term of endearment.

  4. I don’t consider it a slur or otherwise problematic, and I use it myself. Wouldn’t call someone it to their face or tolerate having someone call me it to my face, though, but that goes for most name calling.

  5. It depends on context. If it’s my brother, who has a lot of internalised misogyny, then yeah. He’ll say things when driving, if someone cuts him off, and I’ll ask him why “bitch”, and not “arsehole”? Or the other day, we saw a woman with the biggest eyelash extensions I’ve ever seen, and I was saying they looked uncomfortable, and he said “she looks like a bimbo”, so I was asking him what exactly did he mean by that. So.. it’s not “calling out” in that I’m not telling anyone what language to use or not, but I do want people to be aware of what they’re actually saying.

  6. I use the word often and I have no qualms calling someone that. It’s not a slur.

  7. I don’t think it’s a slur, however when men use it, it makes me feel very uncomfortable – my partner used it once and I hated it, so I asked him to stop.

  8. Nope. In every single situation when I’ve heard someone use that word in a way I consider tasteless and offensive, it would not have been safe or smart to call them out on it.

  9. It all depends on the context of the situation. If it’s clearly said in a light hearted joking manor than whatever. But if someone seriously calls someone a b*tch than yeah I would call them out.

  10. I absolutely hate the word. I do not quite put it in “slur” territory, but I would never be friends with anyone who used it.

  11. It’s not a slur, but I think it’s a red flag if a man only uses that word for a woman.

  12. I don’t consider it a slur. So it’s never occurred to me to call out anyone for using it.

    Like even being black, I’m not comfortable saying the “N” word though it’s been converted into casual slang. But I don’t feel any of the same discomfort with the “B” word. It just rolls off the tongue for me.

  13. Bitch is a noun. Can be used as a verb. Not a slur, just not a nice thing to call someone.

  14. Assuming it is an appropriate and safe situation for me to do so, yes. I will ask someone not to use that term around me and will choose not to be around them if they continue to do so. I’m not interested in hearing anyone’s sexist slurs. If they want to be the kind of person who uses those terms casually, that’s their business, but I don’t have to associate with them.

  15. Bro what? No. Bitch isn’t necessarily a slur, it’s more like an insult and sometimes a term of endearment. It can be very insulting but it doesn’t really qualify as a slur

  16. I agree with a lot of other comments: it depends on the context. If my friends are like “what’s up bitch?” I don’t get mad cause we have rapport. But, If a man is talking shit about another man and says something like “he’s a little bitch boy” then it is problematic imho, and if it’s someone I know and am comfortable around I will address it. Usually by asking why he chose that word, or why feminizing a guy you don’t like is the biggest possible insult they could think of. If it’s someone I’m not comfortable around or feel unsafe around or don’t actually know then it’s not up to me to put my safety on the line to address it. I just won’t be around them again.

  17. I don’t consider it a slur but I do think it’s a gendered insult that has more impact when directed at a woman. If someone uses it against me in a way that isn’t friendly banter I will be upset and say so

  18. Nope. That’s used by the weak to describe the stronger. I’m ok with it😉

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