Or Grubhub

Both are crazy expensive these days but which one has better drivers and more options?

  1. Neither. They both seem to be running this promotion where if you order from them, there’s a 1 in 3 chance that the world’s dumbest person will be assigned to deliver your order.

    Just order from the restaurant like an adult.

  2. I prefer driving to the restaurant myself and getting driving the food back home.

  3. It’s amazing to me that Millenials/Gen Z complain about Boomers (and Gen X now) ruining the economy, job and housing market so that young people can’t ever possibly get ahead… and then y’all are going to happily shit away money on these services and their delivery fees.

  4. Neither. I no longer have any tolerance for spending an extra $15 on my food just to have it arrive cold and soggy. I’d prefer to just pick it up myself or go sit down at the restaurant itself.

  5. I very rarely use delivery. Didn’t have many good experiences during covid. Last time I did order delivery was when I was working on my car in the garage, coated in dirt and had a burrito dropped off at the front so I didn’t have to stop and enter the house dirty as all hell.

  6. I don’t have an issue with any of these services. I mostly use Postmates since they regularly send me coupon codes.

  7. I’d say 1/4th of my drivers always suck.

    Prices are ridiculous and you are best off just picking up orders yourself.

  8. I try to use none of the above because I’m way tired of the extra expense involved, but if I’m going to use one of them it’ll likely be Doordash.

    I also occasionally drive for Doordash when I need some extra money. I know it seems like all the drivers suck, but I swear some of us are out here trying as hard as we can to do things right.

  9. The only time I’ve used Doordash/Uber Eats (not sure which) was when I got Chipotle for a work Zoom happy hour during covid. Just a normal burrito with some guac came out to like $25 or $30. I’ve avoided getting it since then. I’d rather take 30 minutes out of my day to pick something up myself than pay double to have it delivered.

  10. Neither. Both are complete wastes of money. The success of these platforms with urban dwellers makes me lose all sympathy for their complaints about cost of living.

  11. I stopped using all of them after COVID. Had too many issues with orders getting delayed, arriving cold, or not arriving at all. Pretty sure one of my orders was flat out stolen, as I got a notification saying it was delivered, but it wasn’t fucking anywhere on my doorstop or anywhere on my block.

  12. None of it. It’s a scam people are all too happy to overpay for, workers don’t get what they should, and food comes colder than fresh. 0/10.

  13. I usually go with doordash, they are usually a bit cheaper than uber eats.

  14. Uber banned me because I was “using too much coupons”. I only ever ordered food during my break and they would have free delivery as well as dollar off promotions at that time. Apparently doing only those type of orders is bad so they banned for me that.

    So I only use Doordash now. But barely do I ever order food since it cost twice as much as just calling in and picking it up myself. Both Doordash and Uber is a rip off most of the time.

  15. I use Uber Eats pretty often and have an Uber One membership (though I’m still trying to cut down on it due to the markups).

    I had a weird problem with another service – I think it was GrubHub – where they would send drivers like 10 miles away from my actual address. So I stopped ordering from them.

  16. As a DoorDash driver, firstly a sizeable number of drivers also Grubhub and Uber Eats to avoid downtime, and the core concept of delivering food is the same so there’s no difference. I came to find out with some practice which areas in my area tend to tip less, what restaurants are too slow, and do not do deliveries in those areas

  17. DoorDash seems to have more options in my area. I pay for the subscription service because we tend to use it about once a week. For a family of five, the difference in price from going and picking it up isn’t really all that bad, and it generally feels worth the extra price to save that 45 minutes to an hour of our time.

  18. Neither, trash companies that employ literally anyone to hand the food for me and my family.

    No thanks. I’ll go pick up myself.

    Seen far too many horror stories all over the place to justify spending an additional $15 to gamble on food.

  19. It’s way overpriced to use any of those services and all of them seem to have people that couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag. I just go to the restaurant and pick up my own food, or I order pizza and have a kid in a clapped out shitbox deliver it to me as fast as humanly possible.

  20. None of them. They’re all terrible companies. They are bad for restaurants, bad for customers, bad for their drivers, and bad for the cities they operate in. Just get your own damn food, or order from places that have real delivery drivers on staff.

  21. None of the above.

    All are overpriced and not enough of that money flows to the person actually doing the work. They treat their “not-actually-employees” horribly.

    If you actually care about fair wages you would not use their services. Same for Uber/Lyft etc.

  22. As a customer, I use both. As you said, both are stupid expensive, but if you’re in a position where you want/need to pay a premium for food to be delivered to you, they’re fairly competitive with their pricing

  23. It’s been a few years since I used any of them. The fees and service charges were absurd then, not to mention that they nail the restaurants with their commission rates. It’s a shitty service for everyone involved, I don’t understand why anyone uses any of them.

  24. Uber Eats blatantly disregards my preference settings to stop getting promotions. First you have to configure a bunch of settings across both Uber Eats and Uber, and then they disregard it and keep spamming you anyway.

    So I went to DoorDash.

  25. Slice or Beyond Menu offer pickup or delivery directly from restaurants without bloated fees. If a restaurant doesn’t have their own drivers than it’ll only offer pick-up only. But you’ll only pay the actual cost without bloat.

    I try to avoid Uber Eats, DoorDash, and GrubHub. It’s just way too expensive

  26. I’ve never used either. Not an option where I am. I just…..make my own food when at home.

  27. Doordash always fucks up deliveries to my address… like 7/10 times they mis-deliver. And never call to verify, get directions, etc. Just leave it in the incorrect spot — we’re in a townhouse development and they either leave it on the stoop of the unit at the end of the row facing the street, or they don’t understand the difference between the directional in the address and unit letters and leave on stoop of unit N, where the N. after the numbers in our address means North.

    Much fewer issues with the other services…

  28. DoorDash or occasionally GrubHub. They seem to have more options. UberEATS doesn’t seem to have much of a presence here.

    Never really had an issue with them that wasn’t super easy to fix.

  29. UberEATS for when a good deal is present and I have money to burn. I never get anything without some sort of BOGO or get 40% off whatever coupon. Otherwise, I have food at the house

  30. They all suck but GrubHub has better customer service than DoorDash. DoorDash customer service is awful.

  31. I think it’s insane the amount of money people spend to have food delivered.

  32. I don’t use any of those often, but when I do I use Door dash because I don’t think the others are available in my area. At least Postmates isn’t.

  33. We’re Americans, we don’t need anyone to bring our food to us, we go get it ourselves

  34. I’m lucky enough to have two great companies in my city that do the same thing but charge less, pay their employees real money, and work with restaurants to ensure that the menus are accurate, etc. So I go with those.

  35. Neither. Both are expensive and delivery driver culture is toxic. I’ve had the unfortunate experience of browsing their subs and they seem so damn petty. If they see a flag or a sign they don’t like they don’t deliver. Yeah, screw that.

  36. I’m disabled and have used DD when caregivers are absent. I always have gotten the correct food, hot and pretty quickly.

    That said they are very expensive charging both a service fee and delivery fee. I don’t use them enough to make a subscription worth while.

    Also they upcharge. For example I ordered Mexican food one time from a restaurant I’m familiar with. The restaurant gives free chips and salsa with purchase. DD listed chips and salsa at more than $5. I ended up getting just the meal ($16 at the restaurant) after fees, upcharge, and tip $30.

  37. I drive for doordash occasionally for extra cash, but I’ve never actually ordered from them because my cheapness outweighs my laziness. When I was doing it a lot, there were people who ordered everyday, so it was probably good enough for them

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