Edit: thank you for your comments! I wish that all of you get the chance to talk to those women openly and that your opinion and feelings are heard and respected.

  1. holy god would you just please shut the hell up. I have so much shit going on and your nagging isn’t helping. If it’s something you can do yourself then do it and leave me alone.

  2. To all the women in my life? Nothing, honestly. Hell, pretty much all of the women I’ve met in my life are pretty cool.

    My crazily religious and hyper-conservative aunts who have struggle to understand not being religious or being pro-LGBT rights while not being LGBT myself? Well…

  3. To my best friend: STOP saying that you’ll “get in touch” with me or that you have free time to chat or that you want to chat about smth later etc…. It won’t happen, it will never happen. And it’s ok, I get it, but stop lying to yourself, and if you say it so I don’t feel bad, don’t.

    To my aunt: mature you old brat

    To my older aunt: mature you old brat

    To my cousin 1: I sleep at 22:00, so stop calling me at 3 AM for help in your university classes

    To my cousin 2: Is a real achievement that you stopped drinking and smoking…even if it was only for the baby and you plan to go back after birth. Now have an eye on your hubbie, he doesn’t look trustworthy.

    To my cousin 3: Mature you old brat


    To my cousin 5: Stop creating fights for the sake of it.

    To my elder sister: I already have to deal with a lot of shit, my job shit, my own shit, my coworkers shit, mom shit, grandma shit, dad shit….I can’t take anymore, I’m not downplaying your emotions, but man, please leave 5 minutes to myself before needing my elbow. Just 5.

    To my grandma: “hey who am I?” (she always has funny responses, the kid, the young, the angel, the [racial slur], the butler, etc …)

  4. I understand and am here for you as you deal with your mental struggles but I’m beginning to believe you’re actually just kinda lazy.

  5. “You talk about yourself may more than you think. Most conversations with you are just about you, and not much else.”

  6. stop making weak excuses for your shit attitudes, bad health, and lack of advancement at work. Take control of your life and stop being a victim.

    WHEW! Thanks for this outlet, it felt better than I expected.

  7. You don’t hear me or understand what I’m going through.

    I also wish you’d show more emotion than you do. I hate being the only one who seems to care about us.

  8. Most of the time, you are not the victim. You put yourself in horrible situations of your own free will and need to take responsibility for your actions.

  9. I wish I could trust you to be there for me, to support me.

    I wish I could be honest with what I feel and trust to be taken seriously, and to not be punished for it.

    I wish I didn’t feel so alone with you.

    Edit: this is in reference to my mom and my sister.

  10. The « men are trash » jokes genuinely hurt my feelings a little bit. My roommate would skin me alive if I asked her not to make those jokes around me, and I get why she makes them, but it still gets to me.

  11. I’ve been married for 10 years plus and I wish I could tell my wife that even after having 3 children my wife isn’t fat at all. She says she’s fat all the time and I met her when I was stationed in So Ko so I am not being nice I’m just trying to tell my wife that she is asian and she is still skinny as f*ck because genetics. But she dismisses me before I can explain…

  12. Stop generalized and complaining about men constantly. It’s not ok if I do it about women and it’s not ok when you do it too. So sick of the double standard. Just today two of my women coworkers had a conversation about three feet away from my desk about how men are dumb, lazy, and perverted monsters.

    If a male coworker and I did that we would have meetings scheduled at 4:30 pm on Friday with our managers and HR.

  13. To my mom: not every girl I talk to is going to pop out a grandkid

    To my late grandma: ~~I’m not a young doctor, I’m your grandchild.~~ Actually this one’s kind of mean, sometimes it’s better to lie.

    To my living grandmother: not everyone is one Facebook nor is it real life.

    To my aunt deb: EAT SOMETHING! It’s okay to have a mid draft instead of ribs.

    To my aunt Jean: Netflix still comes in the mail?

    To my other aunts: You know I can help you make a workout plan.

    To my cousins: my love life is not your concern.

    To my coworkers: I don’t care about whatever dumb joke some guy wrote on a tinder profile. It’s a tinder profile. People write things to catch interest. It doesn’t mean he has a small dick. It is not an offense against god that must be reported to the online dating police.

    To my other coworkers: anything apparently. But I’ll go with “stop calling me a faggot when I walk in the door.”

    To my friend: what parts of your personality are faked?

    To the girl I’m currently dating: do you actually like me?

  14. Sometimes the problem is you, but you don’t see that because you’re surrounded by people who only wanna fuck you.

  15. To my wife – if the community college offers a course on ‘increasing your empathy’, please take it.

  16. The reason why your lonely and no one wants to be around you is because your a horrible selfish person who pretends like she’s a victim.

  17. “You keep on talking about the same problem over and over. It’s clearly really bugging you, sweetheart. I happen to know you pretty well and have some perspective that may help you. It’s only advice and certainly not a criticism. Are you sure you just want to keep venting about the same thing everyday and don’t want to hear what I have to say?”

  18. Admit you’re wrong once in a while. Jesus Christ it ain’t that hard to do.

  19. I have two.

    1. I am here to support you but my patience is running thin. You keep making the same mistakes no matter the people or the environment.
    2. Listen here you little shit if everyone in your life “magically” always has an issue with you YOU’RE THE PROBLEM.

  20. Stop being so damn sensitive about every little thing. Also speak up for yourself and actually tell me what the fucking problem is so we can solve it like adults

  21. I wish I could talk about my problems to you without you blaming yourself.

  22. If you feel unattractive or are unhappy with how you look, work out. Eat healthier. I’m tired of watching/hearing you sit on the couch and complain about it. I want you to be healthy and feel as sexy as I find you but Odin’s Eye! If one of my guy friends acted like this I’d tell them to stop being a whiny lazy fuck that’s growing roots.

  23. It would be nice if you would reciprocate the two hours I spent listening to and talking you through your anxiety attack by taking five minutes to listen to me about a problem instead of acting severely allergic to any sign of weakness.

  24. To one woman in particular…

    People call you a bitch at work because you’re a mean, vindictive, insulting, dismissive asshole. It’s not because you’ve ‘smashed the patriarchy’ by making it into middle management. We had other female managers that were loved.

  25. Being married to a wealthy husband when you don’t work doesn’t make you better than the people that actually have to work.

    You aren’t rich and accomplished, he is, you are just riding on his coattails.

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