I just landed a date for tomorrow for the first time in a while hahaha. Turns out it is going to rain tomorrow. She is showing interest.
If the opportunity presents itself I will kiss her.
Girls what do you think of it under the rain? Is it amplifying? Idk I’m too excited and need to calm down lmao

  1. I’ve made out in a Calvin Klein dress under a gym shower on full blast at the end of date and it was the hottest kiss I ever had.

  2. it would be soooo cute to do something like that on the second or third date!!

  3. One of my best dates ever we got caught in a surprise rainstorm. That said, some people have very low tolerance for discomfort, you’ll have to gauge it.

  4. You sound young haha. Just enjoy it! Don’t force things and let it happen naturally. You don’t need to try and set expectations, if it’s natural everything will happen naturally. Enjoy yourself and be yourself. That’s most important.

  5. It would feel like a 90s romance movie with the song kiss me playing – very main character vibes of you 😮‍💨

  6. Years ago, I asked my ex-husband to go for a walk in the light snow. It was so pretty and we were still newly married.

    “Do you want to catch pneumonia?!”

    Still breaks my heart a little, and we aren’t even married anymore lol


  7. If the mood is right then go for it.

    The last guy I went on a date with, asked to kiss me in the park after talking for hours, I found it to be romantic 🥹.

  8. Romantic yea, but no. It will ruin my hair for the rest of the date and I won’t look romantic anymore or be comfortable lol

  9. Omg I’ve always wanted to be kissed in the rain and I’m a 34 will be 35 24th of this month female…. I say if opportunity presents itself do it! If she doesn’t like it she’s not the one bro lol

  10. My first kiss was in the rain after he carried all my suitcases into a taxi for me. It was really the perfect moment. Admittedly, i didn’t get sparks nor do i remember his name, but i can’t say it was bad.

  11. Pls this is too cute 😭 Go for it if it feels natural, otherwise it might be awkward 😂

  12. Best kisses I have had were under the rain…but don’t
    Know…I love rain and those are my best time to go out for a walk

  13. If the opportunity presents itself, and she’s into you, definitely go for cheesy and kiss her in the rain.

    I love cheesy romance moments.

    Also, not sure what this means, but literally every single 1st date I’ve ever been on in my life, it has rained/snowed… No joke. I now take it as a sign from the universe, lol. If the rain stops, I need to get the fuck outta there, it’s a bad sign. If the rain/ snow continues, it means all is good and I should seize the moment. I’m crossing my fingers it pours down on you OP 🤞🏼

  14. Bro chill. Just be calm, cool, and collected, keep the conversation moving in a positive direction, and IF the opportunity presents itself and feels right, go for it. I find that intimate, unique moments are way cooler in a long term deal. Because then you know that you’ll both be I to it. Some girls wouldn’t do that for a million bucks de to hair, makeup, clothing, purse, shoes…a WAY better idea would be to bring an umbrella so she doesn’t get rained on and kiss her under that. Good luck.

  15. My first date with my only bf was caught by a thunderstorm and we made out in the rain 🥰 So romantic

  16. Amplifying? Wtf does that mean?

    Sounds like it’s going to mess up my hair. Hard pass. You can kiss me indoors or under an awning or something.

  17. You got this bro . Be cool, be a gentleman, have no expectations . Keep it polite, read the body language and you will know what to do.

    Just remember, it’s the experience not the result that matters.

  18. Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain, kiss me on the side walk take away the pain, coz I see sparks fly whenever you smile

    It’s in a Taylor Swift song it’s gotta be romantic right?

  19. If you manage to get the kiss just do it naturally. If it happens naturally with the rain, cool but don’t plan it out to be a certain way.

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