I’m a black guy who lives in in a small town in North Dakota and I’m surrounded by white folk I don’t see any black people where I live and I have no problem dating white girls because I don’t care about race when it comes to dating but every girl I ask out rejects me they tell me they don’t date black guys and I’m not sure what I should do about it.

  1. Move your ass out of that honky town as soon as you possibly can. Try a more inclusive city to move to.

  2. Keep going until you meet a woman who DOES date Black men. If that number truly is 0, then we’ll have to move to a bigger city.

  3. Tell them you’re not black, you’re dark skinned Sicilian. Good luck! 🤞

  4. Be grateful they’re open about their racism and they’re not agreeing to date you and then dumping their racism on you months down the road. Be angry, upset, annoyed, hurt, and whatever other feelings that you’re isolated and suffering this. Feel whatever you’re feeling.

  5. You don’t care about race when it comes to dating but they do….. What do you think the correct Answer to this is

  6. I mean if you don’t care about race in romance, but they do, then brotha man it sounds like you might have to do so some soul searching if that’s where you want to stick.

  7. The Twin Cities isn’t super far away, make a hinge account and set your location there. Why would you wanna date small town small minded white women anyways lol

  8. ND resident but not black. The small towns here are pretty racist, mainly because some of these people haven’t seen any black people and base their opinions off of media stereotypes. If it’s within your means, you may need to look at larger towns within or outside of ND to have more success.

  9. Have you thought about using a dating app? It might be easier to come across girls who don’t see your race as an issue than if you’re asking girls out in person.

  10. Must be where you live. I’m black and not only do I live in a small town, but I live in one of the top 5 smallest states in the US. I have had 0 issues when it comes to getting relationships with women who are not black. How old are you?

  11. Fellow North Dakota Honky here.

    I say we troll your neighbors even harder. I’ll get a couple guys together dressed in leather and we’ll come do a BBQ in the front yard.

    They’ll shit the bed.🤣

  12. I grew up in Los Angeles until I was 13, and despite being part Mexican, I looked white enough that I was kind of the outcast in the primarily black/Hispanic neighborhood we lived in. Oddly, when my family moved to the Midwest, there were only 4 black people at the high school I attended, but they’d managed to achieve superstar status, as in, everyone thought they were super cool and in touch with current fashion, etc and this was in a fairly racist, small Midwestern town. I guess things are different everywhere you go.

  13. I was like nah bro you capping on the net. Then I saw NORTH DAKOTA and was like he probably spitting 😅

  14. I live in a predominately white smaller city. I feel you. You have two choices. Keep going until you find someone who will accept you. Or move to a larger (likely liberal) city.

    good luck man!

  15. I’m biracial not black, you gotta move outta that state my guy and go to a bigger populations of diversity

  16. Let’s be honest, if they reject you becuase you are black they probably ain’t worth the time or effort.

  17. This is nuts to me. In Ireland, growing up in a small town, there was one black kid, same age as me so we went to a school together.

    And was the most chased (by girls) in our school, he had girls flocking to him.. even still to this day he has it easy. It doesn’t help that he’s a really nice guy too and has a great personality.

    I think this racism bullshit is just a lot more engrained in America than in other places.

  18. Find a different type of girl to date instead of approaching the same type of girls expecting different results

  19. You gotta get out of there man this is one of the reasons I never want to leave my city I can’t imagine living in a place that’s not full of all races and ethnicities.

  20. My sister is married to a black guy and my nephews are black. My brother in law is Air Force and they were stationed for awhile in either ND or SD. I forgot which one. My sister told me she would never live there again as everyone was white and exile they aren’t overtly racist, they are covertly racist. They give side eyes a lot, etc.

    I say all of that to say that I feel for you, OP. You definitely aren’t lying and it has to be frustrating. I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re young, focus on your grind, start a business, make money, and afford to live anywhere in the world. Women will come.

  21. As a fellow black man, who also grew up in a small town, GTFO of that small town. Go to a major city, your self esteem and women interested in you will skyrocket 💯

  22. You might be in a bad area, alot of women I know have dated black men and they’re white.

  23. I don’t think it’s because you’re black. Most people that grow up with one race are extremely attracted to the opposite of what they been around. I have so many friends from the mid west who move to a diverse area (where I’m from) and they prefer to date other races. I think you may need to think about other reasons why people don’t like you. My advice is to not have a chip on your shoulder and just be happy about who you are. Develop hobbies and become interesting. If you’re a good person with a great personality, people are going to naturally want to gravitate towards you and possibly date you. Good luck.

  24. Don’t date just to date. You need reasons why you wanna date. It’s doesn’t matter black or white for me i just saw it as dramatic.

    There is white girls attracted to black and black attracted to white.

    Is i think even if you were white they will reject you for other reasons. For example the same girls that they rejected you if they found like black rich guy or someone who fits on their mentality and he is black they will accept it. So color doesn’t matter.

    Or just try online date or search for black girls. Anyway search for a good person who you both fits never date for fun it’s will be toxic.


  25. Increase your dating circle wider online and think about finding long-distance partners.

  26. I would try tinder for one reason, if they like you and ok with you being black then you will match. It will take out the people who won’t accept it as well as show you people a little bit farther away. If you do meet up with someone on tinder please do be safe. I take a taser and 3 other self defense weapons with me when I do even if it’s in public ( I’m also a female)

  27. Maybe they just don’t like you and are using your race as a way out. Just take the L and stop looking for white approval

  28. Can’t change a girls preference, just like how some girls don’t like short guys. This is the perfect time to work on yourself. Hit the gym, save money, then leave ND. Good luck 👍

  29. Move to London!! Dude the amount of girls that blew me for a black guy is insane!! They would love you here

  30. You can keep throwing darts at the board. One may stick eventually. But your chances will be even better if you move. The world is bigger than North Dakota.

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